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What's your skyline smell like...

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  • #46
    Originally posted by GTRADDICT View Post
    Mine has a "No car smell" to it...
    What did mine smell like again? Can't believe it's been 3 months already.

    I guess it would be fresh woodland air with a permanent hint of jdm malboros? My rear windshield is caked with nicotine, can't take that stuff off! During the first part of the summer I was high on gas fumes in traffic though, the plenum was consistently drenched in fuel.
    1992 BNR32 SKYLINE GTR


    • #47
      My gtst smells of bounce sheets


      • #48
        Mine smells like jizz....boost really excites me

        lol jk i get mostly exhaust smell or neutral...need some fancy fruit scent next year!
        Originally posted by Paradis
        ^^ hows not being rich going? ...haters be hatin


        • #49
          Mine smells like waiting... So close I can smell it...
          Originally posted by kengeroo
          that's what I thought when I opened the package..
          ...don't drink and ebay
          '03 Ford Mustang


          • #50
            best car smell is squash!
            i have this in mine and its the sh*t!
            - Adam



            • #51
              Originally posted by n0xid View Post
              Fuel.. and with the heat on after awhile it reeks of weed. So I figure the previous owner smoked quite a bit in it or there may be some stashed in the vents lol.
              hahaha thats crazy. If it is in the vents, Canadian customs did a bad job!
              Heart rate 160, I'm goin 260, RB26 run me past you in a jiffy


              O O SKYLINE O O


              • #52
                Lol, agreed. Aren't the dogs supposed to sniff that out? :P
                Originally posted by kengeroo
                that's what I thought when I opened the package..
                ...don't drink and ebay
                '03 Ford Mustang


                • #53
                  smells like each individual interior piece was left to sit, for a minimum of 1 week, in a vat of 94 gasoline
                  Originally posted by archaeic_bloke
                  hows the warp drive? i've seen far too many GTR's lately that just arent able to hit warp speed.


                  • #54
                    Smells like the dead hooker who has been in my trunk for the last six weeks.


                    • #55
                      Oh, thats where my sister disappeared to...
                      I've been brushing my teeth with jack but it's resulted in terrible amounts of tooth decay.


                      • #56
                        Im sure all of us know what dead hooker smells like haha but thats not good man.
                        Heart rate 160, I'm goin 260, RB26 run me past you in a jiffy


                        O O SKYLINE O O


                        • #57
                          guess its kinda a new car smell, never really been in a brand new car, although my mate who's a kiwi said it smelled just like his r34 back home (he worked at a performance car dealership back home, and his company car was a gtst r34, lucky bloke) which was brand new..... so i guess mine smells like a brand new r32 :P


                          • #58
                            Jdm Quash for sure!
                            Traction is optional, so are zipties

                            92 Gtst/Silver bullet

