I have a big hard on for Subaru boxer engines. What can I say? I know a few people here feel the same way, so I've taken the liberty of linking these fine videos. The first video is a bit slow with some good stuff, but the second two are quite good, in a "recklessly running from the police at high speeds" sort of way.
If anyone is wondering, this segment is from one of the "ghost rider" DVD's. Usually, the guy is on a bike, but decided to do a car for this one, as they were getting **** from their equally reckless opponents, the Getaway in Stockholm group.
Why people mount cameras to motorized vehicles and record themselves running from the police is beyond me, but it's kind of fun to watch :P
If anyone is wondering, this segment is from one of the "ghost rider" DVD's. Usually, the guy is on a bike, but decided to do a car for this one, as they were getting **** from their equally reckless opponents, the Getaway in Stockholm group.
Why people mount cameras to motorized vehicles and record themselves running from the police is beyond me, but it's kind of fun to watch :P