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Canada's Worst Driver - RHD Fairlady Z Tonight

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  • #31
    Agreed. That was such a nice, clean car. Imagine they did the same thing with a Skyline. It wouldn't be "JUST a Skyline" then
    Originally posted by kengeroo
    that's what I thought when I opened the package..
    ...don't drink and ebay
    '03 Ford Mustang


    • #32
      It's an aging Japanese Sports car that had already begun the process of falling apart at the seams, much like all of our cars


      • #33
        Originally posted by DreadedFist View Post
        It's an aging Japanese Sports car that had already begun the process of falling apart at the seams, much like all of our cars
        Aren't all cars technically "ageing and beginning to fall apart" as they leave the factory?


        • #34
          Good point ^^.
          "It don't matter if you win by an inch, or win by a mile, winning is winning.


          93 FD3S (Weekend ride)
          Looking for a 4 door skyline as a daily driver. PM me if you have one for sale.


          • #35
            I just watched the episode, the Z didn't even go through all the drivers hahah!

            These people don't need driving lessons, they need psychological help. I never knew people could be so mentally unbalanced; pretty scary when they're expected to drive.


            • #36
              I wanna watch it but can't find it. Can someone post a link please
              Miss driving sooooo bad! Need to get a car on the road ASAP!


              • #37
                Aging? Sure. Falling apart? No.


                • #38
                  Haven't found a link yet. Should be on the Discovery site soon though. Also, the guy that "thought he did good" while whacking the Z's mirrors on the arches, in the previous episode in the Camaro he totally blanks out on swerving AWAY from things, and just plows into them. Then proceeds to start puking. These people should NOT be driving. The older lady is terrible as well. Doesn't follow ANY rules. Turns left on red lights (w/o stopping), runs stop signs, left turns from right hand lanes, etc. Give season 6, episode 5 a watch on the Discovery site.
                  Originally posted by kengeroo
                  that's what I thought when I opened the package..
                  ...don't drink and ebay
                  '03 Ford Mustang


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by DreadedFist View Post
                    It's an aging Japanese Sports car that had already begun the process of falling apart at the seams, much like all of our cars

                    Gotta disagree with you on that one. Having been around that car for a year, I know it was in A+ condition. 38,000 original kms and it didnt show a km more for its age. Never the less, it is out of our hands now. Im curious what they will end up doing with it.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by cschepp View Post
                      I wanna watch it but can't find it. Can someone post a link please
                      Use torrent sites:

                      From Google Search "Canada's Worst Driver S06E06"


                      • #41
                        ppl have to realize, those ppl drive like that and create drama because if they drove normally, there wouldn't be a show.

                        it's a "reality" tv.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by M13 View Post
                          ppl have to realize, those ppl drive like that and create drama because if they drove normally, there wouldn't be a show.

                          it's a "reality" tv.
                          some not all drive that way for there 15mins of fame....

                          and that Z was clean very clean looked brand new, did not look 15yrs old so i dont see how it was aging and falling apart
                          How many kids with A.D.D. does it take to screw in a light bulb?

                          Wanna go ride bikes...

                          R.I.P \'87 4cyl Rustang
                          \'03 Dodge SX2.0
                          \'90 GTR32


                          • #43


                            • #44
                              lol she wants to go "Canadian 50 not English 50kms/h"


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Shadao View Post
                                some not all drive that way for there 15mins of fame....

                                and that Z was clean very clean looked brand new, did not look 15yrs old so i dont see how it was aging and falling apart
                                if they want fame they should start getting interview for someone breaking into their house to rape their sisters and comment: "hide yo kids, hide yo wife!"

                                Antoine is ******* popular now lol.

