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Job in Vancouver or Area

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  • #16
    If your happy with the money you are making now, then I say come on out. to find a job that starts around 10-12 bucks in the gvrd isnt to hard, you just have to get your hands dirty and go looking for it.
    that said, for now I would stay out of the downtown core, it so bloody expencive its not even funny.... 1200-1400 a month gets you a 600sqft apartment with out parking... start looking for a place in the out skirts, surrey has lots of transit, portmoody, poco, mapleridge all have decent places for cheap.

    And you know what the best part about moving out here is RHDskyline? no more Shite Racecity you can come and hang out at real tracks like Evergreen, PGP, Penticton, hell you can even go hang out on the Island to get your drift on :P
    (and yes i have been following the thread on the "other forum" haha)
    Automotive photos from around the Pacific North West.


    • #17
      Hey OP, since you have your mind set then I will take back my words regarding education, cuz I know tats just ******** for some people, which I totally understand and respect. So ya, give it hell, live the way you want to live. In the end, you can be in control of your life.

      That's all I can give you: encouragement. Best of luck to you. When you are encountered problems, dont let go and dont forget there are always people like you who made it happen, and there are people who will support and help you. (give us a holla at GRTC xD)


      • #18
        This thread is hilarious,it is nice to read the variety of very different views regarding what happiness really is and how little value money has to some people. I myself like money ,I like it alot. Some people aren't afraid to work jobs that aren't their dream job but pay 10 times more because they have a plan of only doing that job for a short time in order to get themselves into a position where they can work the job they like comfortably in the future. I have alot of friends that do their so called "dream jobs" I don't see them much, they can never join us for supper, never once have they been in a holiday,most likely will never own property, drive old vehicles when they aren't walking to work - all because They are broke or barely making ends meet. Sounds like a fair trade for not wanting to do a job you don't like ?

        Nismo-stune was correct when he said you should pick up a oil field job for a few months or even a year, when I got back from working over seas I went straight to Alberta ! Why ? Because any Joe blow off the street can walk in and get a job and if you have any motivation or drive which it sounds like you do, then you climb the ladder fast and can be making more then a doctor in your first year ! The beauty about Alberta is there so many jobs you will find one you like. I spent 5 years out there - because I had a goal set and stuck to it. If I had to do it again I would in a second. Being away from home working on the road isn't always easy but it's about working for the future. Im working back in sask now home every night working a job a truly love, I work 12 days a month and make the same $$ I did in Alberta. The difference is now I live in the house I designed and had built last year,I'm home everynight, my Gtr sleeps in the garage and is paid for as well as the other 3 vehicles and lifes easy. Sometimes you have to sacrifice, at 18 I'm sure you have big goals and dreams but lifes not easy and requires sacrifice to get to where you want to be. Your to young to understand but your a smart kid so hope you make the right decisions. Set goals for yourself and make them happen.
        "LAG is the time the guy beside you thought he won"


        • #19
          Originally posted by evilgtr View Post
          This thread is hilarious,it is nice to read the variety of very different views regarding what happiness really is and how little value money has to some people. I myself like money ,I like it alot. Some people aren't afraid to work jobs that aren't their dream job but pay 10 times more because they have a plan of only doing that job for a short time in order to get themselves into a position where they can work the job they like comfortably in the future. I have alot of friends that do their so called "dream jobs" I don't see them much, they can never join us for supper, never once have they been in a holiday,most likely will never own property, drive old vehicles when they aren't walking to work - all because They are broke or barely making ends meet. Sounds like a fair trade for not wanting to do a job you don't like ?

          Nismo-stune was correct when he said you should pick up a oil field job for a few months or even a year, when I got back from working over seas I went straight to Alberta ! Why ? Because any Joe blow off the street can walk in and get a job and if you have any motivation or drive which it sounds like you do, then you climb the ladder fast and can be making more then a doctor in your first year ! The beauty about Alberta is there so many jobs you will find one you like. I spent 5 years out there - because I had a goal set and stuck to it. If I had to do it again I would in a second. Being away from home working on the road isn't always easy but it's about working for the future. Im working back in sask now home every night working a job a truly love, I work 12 days a month and make the same $$ I did in Alberta. The difference is now I live in the house I designed and had built last year,I'm home everynight, my Gtr sleeps in the garage and is paid for as well as the other 3 vehicles and lifes easy. Sometimes you have to sacrifice, at 18 I'm sure you have big goals and dreams but lifes not easy and requires sacrifice to get to where you want to be. Your to young to understand but your a smart kid so hope you make the right decisions. Set goals for yourself and make them happen.
          Thats pretty friggin condescending dude. When did you become the governor of what constitutes "comfortable" living? At what point does one say “I've reached the good life like evilgtr said”…?? How many cars does it take, 2? 3? no, must be 4.

          If you described your picturesque life to some of the CEO’s down in Southern California, they’d be like “Ew, hows does he live like that”. It’s relative man. R-E-L-A-T-I-V-E. That's great that you designed your house and decorated it in smarm. Some people just don't get any intrinsic motivation from that stuff. Do you understand what I'm saying? Yes, there's a number of people who are flaky crackheads and will never fully apply themselves out there... But some would rather work more days, making less, than ever sell themselves out for a job or life they don’t enjoy. `

          It’s all relative.

          You couldn't pay me enough to work in the oil fields (within reason obviously). It's sh*t work, with sh*tty people (exceptions of course), and saps your time like nothing else out there. Nothing's worth more than my time.

          I work as an employment consultant/counselor for the goverment, and i see a sh*t ton of people that try to follow your "way" evilgtr and it doesn't work out so well. I don't make a lot of money, but with being responsible, I can afford my place, i've got my dream car, i've got another for commuting, a dog and whole shebang. And I did without selling out or feeling like the “man-responsible” thing to do was go work in a trade and oil work and get’er done.

          I`m telling you, there’s not enough ppl out there like the OP who can say f*ck it, I’m out, and I’m going where I wanna go to do what I wanna do. Life is a one shot deal… and time is the most invaluable resource we all have.
          Last edited by Paradis; 02-04-2011, 06:57 PM.
          1991 HCR32

          *edit 1991 SR32


          • #20
            I thank each and everyone of you for replying to this thread. Although i made it with the intentions of getting a job. I could care less at this point.

            this is the kind of discussion i like to have. I actually enjoy reading what you guys have to say. Cause if i was given all day. I'd write every thought in my head.

            Its nice to see that people have the same outlook as me. I know some don't and i know some do. I am surrounded by people that have similar thoughts to all of you.

            What it really comes down to is. Its your life and you live it how you want. You find out what's most important to YOU, and you pursue it.

            If its money, you work the oil rigs and you get that money, because you and i both know its waiting for you. You have all that stuff you want to buy and i respect that. But its not for me.

            If its love. I want you to go out there and be the best person you can be everyday and truly understand that nothing matters, so give it your best shot, don't be afraid to try something different. And if something doesn't go exactly how you thought it would. Realize that everyone goes through that and life goes on. Don't take it to seriously cause tomorrow is a new day. I want you to find that special someone who you TRULY 100 percent feel comfortable spending the rest of your life with.

            If its intelligence your after. Go to school. Take all those classes you never could in highschool. Educate yourself. You don't need to go to school to get a job. If something interests you. PURSUE it. Live it, love it. Be it.

            Im tired of people telling others how to live their life and what is the best way to do it. No one thinks exactly the same way you do. Whats good to you may not be to another person.

            My step brother. Loves the money. works 12 hours a day in the coal mines. he gets his 6 grand a month. he buys what he wants. thats cool. He can do that. I respect that. I can't. its not for me.

            My step dad (different family). He will work all day, 16 hours a day if he can, selling his insurance while my mom sits at home. I can't do that. I would love my wife to much. I would be home as soon as i could. He lives for his job, not his family. He leave my mom and 8 year old brother at home. I can't do that. Family and love is to important to me.

            My mom. She wants to have fun. She will do whatever it takes to have fun. If it means spending money, she'll do it. If it means spending time. She's all for it.

            My dad. Hes worked for 30 years, he knows whats its all about. He's been investing a lot in his life and he wants to retire when he's 50 (5 more years) and move to his land in the Dominican Republic. He prepared himself for the future. He had his fun when he was younger, he works hard now. and he will relax later. I respect that. He has no problems with what he does.

            Im surround by a lot of people with different mindsets.

            Everyone is different. Don't make someone feel bad because they aren't doing what you think will make them happy.

            This is your life. are you who want to be?

            Like dah_hunter said. Some of the poorest parts of the world, you give those children a soccer ball and they are happier than any kid who ever got an xbox christmas morning. It really shows you that money doesn't by happiness. Happiness can not be bought.

            Sure. toys are fun. But the sooner you realize that money isn't everything. the sooner you will enjoy your life.

            As for VANCOUVER.

            Yes. NO race city haha. LEts get my drift on. Question. Someone was saying that if you get caught street racing/drifting your car gets crushed in BC. True or false.

            Im happy with my 800 dollar 2 week paycheck. Sometimes i go. WOW this is a lot. When its not really when you look at people in the same town making 1000 bucks a day.

            I will keep the sleeping arrangement in mind Dah_Hunter (I knew your name at one point, i forgot it haha). I think im going to bunk with my brothers. They have a pretty big house. and its only a 17 dollar car ferry ride or a 6 dollar walking ferry ride to downtown van. My brother said if work picks up i can work with him. So i think that will work.

            I will check out Craigslist insead of kijiji. Us alberta boys are used to kijiji. haha

            Im excited. The core of mans spirt comes from new experiences. I'm all about that. I haven't been passed Kamloops at that was about 5 years ago. That is the last time i was in BC. Anywhere in bc. IM def excited. I haven't seen the ocean besides mexico. Its all so new.

            Originally posted by m_melen
   woulda been safer if his harness were made of jello


            • #21
              Im a prime example of this whole situation. Lived in the same shi*ty city, Lethbridge. I lived in Lethbridge, Edmonton, RV's campers, containers, Japan and when I was your age I had the world by the balls. Still do some but I do have more responsibility that needs attention. I just moved to Poco from Lethbridge last July. Didnt have legit paying job for a year before that and didnt claim **** on my taxes last year, not a dime! But, I still moved out here and its awesome! If I didnt find renters for my place the month before I moved here I would have been in some other troubles. Moving here tho has brought lots of opportunity with marketing myself and other stuff I am in the middle of and now am making enough coin to pay for the condo mortgage here and take care of my house in Alberta. All working out of a spare bed room soldering jewelry and selling left over cars and parts which always has an open door to success if your willing to work for it.

              So come on out. Just do it. Alberta smells like cow crap, windy as fuc*, full of cowboys and MMA wannabees. Vanny does have a ton of the duoche baggery chump and chumpettes. (the kind that hold the beer with one hand at the bar at chest height looking all over the bar for good looking sluts to talk about). But thats fair enough with the amount of people here. Population is just better. Scenery is better, There is no fluoride in the water here, the racing season is all year round with the slush series and others, car clubs galore, Race tracks are closer and more of them then alberta (but there still needs to be another one or an expansion of rivers edge). I could literally write a book.
              ALLEN PETERSEN
              Number (604) 961-2449
              4XTOYS/ Lower Mainland Skyline Service and aftermarket RB parts.
              RB30`s for sale!


              • #22
                Write that book. I'll read it

                Originally posted by m_melen
       woulda been safer if his harness were made of jello


                • #23
                  Originally posted by RHDskyline View Post
                  Write that book. I'll read it
                  I would, but it would only make total sense to me and a few others. Most likely offend everyone else :P I live a weird life style. Always have. Im normally sleeping when everyone is working and vise versa. Same with my woman. Were fuc*ed in comparison to most conventional people. but if nothing is tying you down, you may as well giver! Have some fun. Money isnt all that like you say, I totally agree.

                  When you do come out this way, let me know. Might have some things that needs to be here and can help with fuel. Just some parts. I could probably employ you just doing parts runs from ab-bc after spring time and things pick up :P There are soo many ways to make money easily even in this recession. You just need entrepreneurial mind set. Not everyone has it but sounds like you catch that drift.

                  If you do get here and everything fails, buy a truck and a camper and live the wild life I used to. Its pretty fun to be self sufficient and I got some funny stories I never get tired of telling people. I spent almost a year on the road buying/selling JDM stuff all over the western United States, Canada and Japan. Every time I needed a place to stay id hunt down a good deal in the US and make some coin. I made about 15K in a lil over a year selling a few travel trailers and lived in them at the same time. NO RENT! haha. Not saying thats always the best thing to do but if you got a good brain in your head, its not hard to survive almost anywhere.
                  ALLEN PETERSEN
                  Number (604) 961-2449
                  4XTOYS/ Lower Mainland Skyline Service and aftermarket RB parts.
                  RB30`s for sale!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by jdms13rhd View Post
                    ...Japan and when I was your age I had the world by the balls. ...I could literally write a book.
                    Didn't they do a movie about your life? I think you die at the end.

                    Man you guys really give me a hard time trying to figure out my future...stay here when the research is over, where I could get a guaranteed job and a boring life, or move somewhere with nice people, tracks and tuning shops but with a huge bag of debt and no job.
                    1992 BNR32 SKYLINE GTR


                    • #25
                      Allen. I will really keep that in mind. I would love to do part runs. If you need help with anything. Call me. Ill be in Bowen Island. But i can't see my brothers work being super steady all the time. SO if you need another guy. Im the guy.

                      I know what you mean with the entrepreneur mindset. I never worked my first job till i 17. But i had my first car when i was 15 almost 16. I've been buying and selling cars since i was 14 with my dad. I never worked a "real" job for a year and a bit and i still afforded my 1400 dollar a year insurance and my oodles of gas that a highschool kid driving around uses.

                      I even saved up enough coin doing that and working at little caesars to afford my skyline. That was my ultimate goal. And i got it. Ive not being selling cars to make money anymore cause once i got my skyline i stopped. When i shouldn't have.

                      I would have no problem living in a camper. I've actually thought about it a lot. My only concern was showing haha. I hate the way i smell if i don' shower haha.

                      I've never dreamed of owning a big house and living a big life style. I like being that little guy who appears to have nothing with his little truck and trailer. But what he does got is a big heart, a big brain, and lot of living inside him. Someone who just wants to enjoy life and make the most of it.

                      Of course like i said before. everyone is different. So your idea of a lifestyle may not coincide with mine

                      To each his own

                      more power to ya

                      Allen my number is 403-315-0340. For right now. Im sure when i get to BC ill change it

                      Originally posted by m_melen
             woulda been safer if his harness were made of jello


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Paradis View Post
                        I don't make a lot of money, but with being responsible, I can afford my place, i've got my dream car, i've got another for commuting, a dog and whole shebang. And I did without selling out or feeling like the “man-responsible” thing to do was go work in a trade and oil work and get’er done.
                        Holy **** you have a dog?! Damn I always wanted one of those! All jokes aside, your hollier than thou rant is not much better than what evilgtr has said (if I were to use your own opinion against yourself that is, how can you tell anyone what does and doesn't constitute happiness?) I will however disagree with some of what you said. Hurray you have your "dream car," commuter and dog. Congrats. I do not believe that your HCR32 is your forever more dream car. Don't tell me you never see some oil-rich Ferrari driving chump and go "The things I would do for that car..." I have an HCR32 as well, and I love it. Is it my dream car...? Far fetched. There's many other cars I'd rather have. And I refuse to believe there is nothing else in life you would want either. The difference is what you are willing to sacrifice at the margin to attain those things. For some people, their time is worth more than the utility they get out of said object so they never push to get it. It's economics really... It truly can explain everything. That being said, what do you get when you put two economists in a room? Three opinions. So you don't exactly have to agree with mine.

                        In all seriousness I see where you're coming from and to each their own. So long as you don't end up on the downtown east side collecting welfare and costing us hard working tax payers millions of dollars because going out and "living your life the way you want to live it" didn't include a retirement plan, and the only reason you're in Vancouver is because it doesn't get below -10 at night so you're always sure to wake up in the morning.

                        My intrinsic value will be building a prosepering company. Not only for the financial freedom it gives me, but for the sense of accomplishment I feel when I see good, black numbers at the bottom of a balance sheet. It might not be for you....... But who are you to tell me what's right for me?
                        DISCLAIMER: If any of the above comments in this post hurt your feelings you are likely taking me too seriously; I'm probably just busting your balls. If you're unsure, feel free to PM me and we can discuss the matter privately, as to not pull the thread OT.


                        • #27
                          Best example.

                          I told my step brother that im moving to vancouver. Hes like oh yeah, what you going to do out there. Im like, not sure yet, i'll find out when i get there.

                          He keeps asking why bc. I keep saying why not. Hes like. You should come to grande cache (alberta) and work in the mines. Im like no dude. Not for me.

                          Hes like well since you want to go to bc, not sure why, but since you want to go out there, you should go to the mine in Kamloops and work its like 26 bucks an hour.

                          Im like. if i wanted to go to the coal mines. i would go 2 hours north to grande cache and not 7 hours to kamloops.

                          Some people. Like my brother. CANNOT wrap their heads around the concept of money doesn't matter. Cause he's so used to money. He wants to build his truck up, he was to build a house, he wants to get a brand new sled, quad, dirtbike, side by side. all this ****.

                          its like dude. I don't care. Im going to bc to live man. Im going to live it. I don't give a ****, nothing is holding me down. I think your days are more exciting when you barely get by. You seem to be less rushed. You can just sit on a park bench and just look at the world and appreciate it in its natural state. Doing what you want is what life is all about.

                          I told my brother im not going out there to make money. He had this look on his face like why the f*ck would you go out there then, and then he said. well what, are you going out there to be broke. And im like yeah. I'll probably be broke. But i'll be with my buddies and my 2 brothers who i never grew up with man. I got some catching up to do. Money can't replace the memories with my brothers ill never get to create. Im only 18 once.

                          People just need to back the F*ck off and let other do ****. The best lessons in life are self taught. We live in an over protected society where they have warnings and rules to prevent everything. They don't let you find any thing out for yourself anymore. And its going to be the cause of the extinction of the human race.

                          Don't do this, don't that, this gives you cancer, this will kill you. This kid did this and it did this to him. blah blah blah.

                          Our parents lived their lives. Riding in the back of trucks down dirty roads. No seatbelts. They went swimming right after they ate. They stayed out late without a cell phone. Everything they did, didn't have a warning label on it. If they did something and they didn't like it. they learned from it. You can't tell a kid not to do something. If he does it and something bad happens. I can gaurantee he won't do it again.

                          they can teach you all they want in school, in work. whatever whatever. But the best lessons are self taught

                          End of Rant

                          Do what you want, and do it honestly

                          Originally posted by m_melen
                 woulda been safer if his harness were made of jello


                          • #28
                            Only poor people say money isn't everything. When you are in a state of financial freedom, would you give that up? Didn't think so.
                            I know where you're coming from because I was once in that position. I used to flip cars, and work the odd jobs here and there. Did it get me by? Yes. But you'll get to a point where you'll be sick of being broke all the time. B.C is a great place to live, but it comes at a price. You should totally move down here, but also plan out a back up plan. Think ahead of the potential issues you may be faced with. Working to "get by" isn't going to pay for your repair bill when your car decides to take a sh*t on you. Or any other unexpected expenses for that matter. Hate to say it, but you really sound like the typical teenager who thinks he's ballin if you were to have $1000 at your expense.

                            Good luck with your future endeavors.


                            • #29
                              lol. A typical teenager wants to make a lot of money so they can buy all the **** they want. Is that the way i sound?

                              Once again, why is money such a big deal. I know money makes the world go round. But it really doesn't have to. There are a lot more things more important to me than money. Trust, respect, honesty, truthfulness, caring, LOVE.

                              I would much rather be around people who i can trust, who i respect and they respect me, people who are honest, people who care about me, and people who LOVE, than be around people with a lot of money.

                              Once again, im not saying i don't care about money, what im saying is, it doesn't matter. If you look around you, and you see your life is revolved around money. I'm sorry but that is not right. And that is not how i want my life.

                              I know what you are saying. And i don't want to be in that state where i have a lot of money at my disposal. You know why, because i will get used to it and i won't want to get away from it. I see the effects of it. My step brother has constantly made more and more money. He will never go back to a normal job, a job that contributes to society because the money has grown on him, He will be lost without it.

                              I finally realized the true reason why I want to leave Alberta. With the exception of my Dad, everyone around me I don't like, or don't like the way they act.

                              My step brother is this money head who will never see anything else in life but money. He has a new born son who he doesn't pay any attention to because hes working so damn much.

                              I have my sister and her boyfriend. He is so caught up in his work and making more money, that he jobs hops so much. He is burning his bridges. ANd i hate. HATE. the way he treats my sister. Im afraid that if i'm here any longer. I will knock him out. And thats not me. Ive never hit anyone before. but a build up of emotions will do that to a person.

                              My mom, step dad and little brother. He works more than he sleeps. He's never around my my and little brother and my mom just keeps buying my little bro everything. He has a xbox 360, a wiii, a tv, a mac and satellite tv all in his ROOM. and he is 8 years old. YES 8. He is the most spoiled little **** you will ever meet. ANd he doesn't apprciate anything. ANYTHING. HE wants more, MORE, MORE MORE, and it pisses me right off.

                              I can't be around this anymore. I need to be by myself. Surrounded by honest, caring and loving people. And if that means that i barely get by. SO BE IT

                              Now i realize this is all fine and dandy for now. But yes, i know at some point in my life. When i meet the woman that is right for me. I will have to settle down and get a "real" job . But until then. I'm going to experience as much as possible. You are only young once and you only have this mindset once.

                              If was to work the oil rigs now, or go to school. I feel i would be missing out.

                              To each his own

                              Originally posted by m_melen
                     woulda been safer if his harness were made of jello


                              • #30
                                Darrenchua just summed it up perfectly. This thread should have ended there
                                "LAG is the time the guy beside you thought he won"

