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Starting a gas war

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  • #31
    Shells 87 is $1.26/L right now. My honda now takes $63 to fill. When I bought it just over two years ago, it was $43. Sigh.
    Victory is on the horizon..


    • #32
      This can work and work well, but people are just too lazy. They don't want to wait in a line for about 15 min. to make a point of shopping at only one place, or go a whole 5 min. out of their way, or give up their club "points" buying from someone else. To many low income bums that could really give a rat's ass what anybody else is doing (and drive the POS, gas guzzeling, rust buckets that are the real danger on our roads, not RHD vehicles). It's quite pathetic really.

      We have "them" by the balls, not the other way around. Gas has a shelf life, after 2 weeks to a month, a lot of fuel will be unuseable because it won't be able to make the min. octane rating anymore. What happens to a bunch of strawberries that aren't selling at SafeWay, they sell them for less than a 3rd of what they were trying to "gouge" you for when they first came off the truck.

      The market price of gas has zilcho to do with the market price of crude, the oil companies have made that painfully clear for a very long time both in PR and what happens at the pump compaired to what happens to the barrel price. Remember when oil was $200 a barrel (for more than long enough to make an impact)? Gas was only $1.15 a litre. Shocking then (only 4 years ago), normal now (the gas price, it was 89 cents then). That's how they condition the general public and make TRILLIONS in the process.

      On a side note, did anyone see the movie "Paul" yet (Seth Rogen does the voice of the alien)? There is a scene where they are standing at some pumps in Arizona with "86 Octane" for regular..........yikes. I know of an International Harvester tractor that could run on that......LOL.

      Last edited by Dragon Humper; 04-11-2011, 04:11 PM.
      Why don't you come over to MySpace and Twitter my Yahoo untill I Google all over your Facebook.

      1990 GTR Drag Special T88H34D 11.24 @ 127.55mph at only 1.2bar...... officially. SOLD


      • #33
        yes dis-sensitization. I remember gas being around .6-.7/L when I first started driving. When the bump to .85 happened, ppl were freaking out.

        Now 1.30/L is what Vancouverites are used to


        • #34
          Blah i filled up today...70 bones to take my gts from on empty to completely full....91 octane from shell.
          Originally posted by Paradis
          ^^ hows not being rich going? ...haters be hatin


          • #35
            In Vancouver, 94 can be had for around 1.51/L

