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Super cars impounded in BC

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  • Super cars impounded in BC

    198 bucks in fines and the cars impounded for a week... Pretty sure these 20 yr olds learned there lesson
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  • #2
    That's what you get for being dinks on public roads. I would like to know how they all could afford these things though.


    • #3
      lets see ummmm... daddy? everyone and their mother has seen this story! i hope if any of these kids roll up to meets everyone tells them to go home to their parents if they want respect for their 100,000 dollar rides fresh off the lot. no respect in my opinion.
      1991 Nissan Skyline R32 GT-R: 710whp 521 ft/lbs 27.5psi 11.8 @126mph low boost


      • #4
        ^^agreed^^. Although I did have a friend when I lived in Kelowna years ago who was a student from Singapore that rolled in a brand new 911TT (purchesed after they sent his new R34 GTR back from the docks) and an insane Mitsu for winter driving.
        Had more money then you could imagine but was the nicest, most generous guy you could meet.


        • #5
          That article doesn't give away nearly all the information. Before we judge these people, let's look at the facts:

          random supercunt calls the police because she sees young foreigners driving nicer cars than she can afford.
          25 KM away from where the supposed incident happened, cars get pulled over and impounded with zero evidence that anything happened. There were no accidents, nobody got hurt, no property damage, nothing.

          And you guys applaud this? This seems ridiculous to me. I don't want to live in a world where the police can take my stuff away because some random made a phone call. I don't know the full story, just what I've read and watched on the internet news so we don't know what really happened, but if it's what it looks like in those articles, I hope they all get off scott free in court and the cops think twice the next time they impound cars for no reason. I'm not familiar with BC laws but I doubt this was even legal. Good luck getting fines to stick in court with no witnesses.

          It actually sorta blows my mind that car communities these days don't try and stick together or help each other out, and instead just cast stones upon those unlucky enough to get hassled for something that should be legal in the first place.
          Last edited by Terrh; 09-02-2011, 12:07 PM.
          1992 GTR - 2.7L, GT2871R's, forged bottom end, big valves, 270* cams, R34 getrag
          2000 Honda Insight - 70+mpg daily driver
          2003 Sierra 2500HD Diesel - Tow vehicle


          • #6
            198 bucks and cars impounded for a week ???
            they're laughing,,, IMO they got off pretty darn easy...


            • #7
              ...please, ...a blind man could piece together that these punks were racing...

              ... give your head a shake,, they should have their driving privelages taken away for years..

     probably wouldn't have this opinion if you knew someone that was an innocent victim of street racing...
              Last edited by kengeroo; 09-02-2011, 12:43 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by kengeroo View Post
                198 bucks and cars impounded for a week ???
                they're laughing,,, IMO they got off pretty darn easy...
                Thats what I thought too, seems like a slap on the wrist.
                Originally posted by Paradis
                ^^ hows not being rich going? ...haters be hatin


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Tony-R32 View Post
                  Thats what I thought too, seems like a slap on the wrist.
                  your sig is perfect for this convo, cause I'd say exactly that if I were these kids lol. Based upon the fine, I'd have to say that these kids were not busted in the act, which needs to happen. So regardless of how I feel about racing (strongly against btw...), I'm not about to let police decide they can "piece together" a case to say I was racing based upon some worried phone calls and sell my car.

                  Do I think they were racing? Yes of course they were, but imagine an officer saying that, "I think these kids were racing, so were selling your car and you can't drive for a year"... Not a good situation. Such is the life of not living in a police state... No matter how you feel about stuff like this you cant let police just decide.

                  In the skyline community we complain about tickets such as "loud exhaust", "ride to low", "window tint" etc... Where is your empirical evidence of such violations? This is the argument we go to. This is the same thing, only on a larger scale. If you wanna give them a "racing" sentence you better have an officer on scene that saw "racing".
                  Last edited by hozer; 09-02-2011, 01:03 PM.
                  Originally posted by archaeic_bloke
                  hows the warp drive? i've seen far too many GTR's lately that just arent able to hit warp speed.


                  • #10
                    I know a Tai student, he just bought a porshe boxter, shipped it here, done some of the most gayest "dounts" in history(poor car he has no skill) now 3 weeks later he parks it and puts it up for sale. Now he has a masaritti grand T with some crazy v-12 ferri engine with twin turbos!!!! He simply said the boxter was not to his liking..... When he sells the boxter he's getting the Masi sent up. Not to mention his boxter showed up in a Russian An-124 cargo plane (second largest plane itw)

                    Also he had a hybusa impounded from him, he just bought another one.

                    He told me his parents run a bunch of casinos in china(illegally),
                    But he is super nice and I would trust him with my prized goat Gertrude!

                    Its crazy what money some ppl have at their disposal, just imagine the sweet skyline you could have for that kinda mula!
                    Come on lotto!!! Daddy needs a whole lotta stuff!


                    • #11
                      I should just call in to the police with someone's license plate I don't like and say he was racing....


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kengeroo View Post
               probably wouldn't have this opinion if you knew someone that was an innocent victim of street racing...
                        You're right. Except I don't know anyone that's been victimized by street racing. I'd bet money that you don't either. More people die each year in canada due to toaster related accidents than street racing related. Are you suggesting that I should hate toasters? More people (small children mostly) die each year by drowning in 5 gallon buckets than street racing related accidents. I don't hear anything about that on the news either.

                        Also, glass houses here. Everyone on this forum has driven fast, and if you never have, why did you buy a car capable of doing so? To be a poser?

                        The bottom line is that from what I've been able to read the police acted without actual evidence and impounded a bunch of cars to look good on the news. As mentioned above, how would you like it if someone called the cops on you and said you were racing, and the cops came and took your stuff without any evidence of it happening? Impounding cars on the spot skips due process and really irks me, especially in cases like this.
                        1992 GTR - 2.7L, GT2871R's, forged bottom end, big valves, 270* cams, R34 getrag
                        2000 Honda Insight - 70+mpg daily driver
                        2003 Sierra 2500HD Diesel - Tow vehicle


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by kengeroo View Post
                          198 bucks and cars impounded for a week ???
                          they're laughing,,, IMO they got off pretty darn easy...
                          That is very easy. In mb if your caught going 60 over the limit its a automatic license suspension and like a 2 thousand dollar speeding ticket. Plus you have to pay for all the impounding fees ontop of that
                          Check out Top Tier Imports. Sign up today!


                          • #14
                            except that these guys didn't get caught doing anything.
                            1992 GTR - 2.7L, GT2871R's, forged bottom end, big valves, 270* cams, R34 getrag
                            2000 Honda Insight - 70+mpg daily driver
                            2003 Sierra 2500HD Diesel - Tow vehicle


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by kengeroo View Post
                              ...please, ...a blind man could piece together that these punks were racing...

                              ... give your head a shake,, they should have their driving privelages taken away for years..

                     probably wouldn't have this opinion if you knew someone that was an innocent victim of street racing...
                              please refer yourself to this quote from before. That is all.
                              Check out Top Tier Imports. Sign up today!

