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Ferrari driver gets owned by cop giving him a ticket

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  • #16
    If that's really your honest
    It's not the ticket or him getting run over or any of that
    It's the disrespect towards the uniform
    When you disrespect a cop, you disrespect everyone who wears a uniform
    It's what the uniform stands for.
    You may call it this or that (insert stereotype cliche cop comment here) but you act like that to an authorative fgure you get what you deserve. Would you disrespect someone at border services when you get on a plane? Definitely not
    It's sad that airport officials get more respect than police only because they control when your flying
    Wouldn't be a **** to them. Why is it necessary towards the police.
    R33 GTST RB25DET series 1
    Stock motor, holset HX40, power fc d-jetro, bolt ons, 20psi = 492rwhp 364 lbft


    • #17
      I watched the video a few times and what you are seeing here is human nature , I don't think the fact he was in a ferrari had anything to do it , he could have been in a reliant robin and also done the same thing , I think you simply have a pair of Males with egos here competing as nature has intended .

      Uniform , ferarri aside , both were acting inappropriately for the situation. The driver should have been a bit more respectful of the cop , the cop should have stood infront of the vehicle to stop it moving , the cop could have been a little more courteous , the driver deserved the ticket. Both were probably having a bad day and took it out on each other .

      @john , i had the misfortune of having to switch flights in LA twice in the last 6 weeks , i found the people there indifferent , rude and short when spoken to and yes I do declare mostly overweight. I'm not sure if this is because LA is the armpit of the states , they saw i was coming and found the largest most obnoxious peoplle to be around me while i was there , or simply that LA is a representation of much of the modern USA. It looked like a set from bladerunner without the cool technology and flying vehicles .

      And i'm not bashing America cause it these are facts and therefore I have formed an unbiased point of view ( btw all points of view and biased - thats why they are points of view )


      • #18
        I would think it was a stop (even if car was stationary / parked) and trying to drive away is felony evading cops (breaking the law). Also there was no NYC inspection sticker, registration on car, so car shouldn't have been driven on NY streets (why he was trying to stop him driving the car away). Look at how many pursuits start that way in the US. Also by doing what the driver did, he was using the car as a weapon (warned multiple times to stop) thus the cop acted in defence and was trying to stop it being a pursuit. If driver took the ticket, sorted it out in court, he could have resolved it properly with no damage to cars, etc.

        Also another thing to take into account is in alot of US cities, cops, firemen, etc are not getting paid full wages, which could have been another contributing factor.

        I would think airport is where everyone is under alot of stress to catch flight's, etc. Stress does weird things to human's and makes them act rude, etc when they usually aren't. I have encountered this where these people were rude, etc when working hard and then when not under stress in social environment they were kind, etc. Big change in attitude. You have to walk a mile in their shoes to understand why they act that way. Human's are strange and interesting creatures.
        Last edited by Skym; 08-07-2012, 01:56 AM.

        The most epic signature ever "epic".


        • #19
          I posted this a while ago on Facebook, and had a pretty good conversation about it. The officer had already started the ticket, and as has already been pointed out, you cannot stop the process. This rich **** head decides to be an ass and get in and try to drive away. The officer tells him to stop several times, but he then proceeds to attempt to pull out, starting to run over the officer's foot in the process. He has now escalated his simple parking infraction to an assault on an officer/assault with a deadly weapon charge. The officer was 100% in the right to react how he did. There was no excessive force. He reacted appropriately. The kid is lucky he wasn't dragged out at gun point or had his window smashed with a nightstick.

          People need to learn to have some respect for cops. This officer was not on a power-trip, he was simply doing his job. Do you get pissy when you're at work and a customer comes in and is a total douche to you? It's the same thing. Because he's a cop means nothing, he's still JUST DOING HIS JOB. (Yes, I'm aware there are power trippy cops out there, I've had my fair share of run-ins with them. Most however, are quite polite if you are polite to them)
          Originally posted by kengeroo
          that's what I thought when I opened the package..
          ...don't drink and ebay
          '03 Ford Mustang


          • #20
            Be good, or be good at it. The Ferrari Driver was neither. Thats why he lost...
            Dang! You got shocks, pegs... Lucky! You ever take it off any sweet jumps?


            • #21
              this entire situation could have been avoided but the cop failed to take control of the situation...

              the cop never should have let the driver enter the vehicle...

              the cop should have tried to explain the ticket and such to the driver but didnt...

              hell, the driver probably thought the cop was merely a by-law enforcer...

              as for these cop-nuthuggers who are going off about respecting a person in uniform because they are in uniform.... L O FFFFFF L

              respect is earned not awarded because you wear a uniform, both the driver and the cop did things wrong and what has occured as a result of that is what we are now discussing...

              i do not feel that the driver should be charged with asault as the cop put himself in harms way... what would be a peaceful resolution to this is the driver gets no tickets or charges, but has to pay for the repairs to his car himself AND be awarded a few ridealongs with cops through some seedy areas so that the driver can learn to respect the officer... the cop with hurt toes can take 2 weeks off with pay to recover from the injury and the trauma of the event
              How many kids with A.D.D. does it take to screw in a light bulb?

              Wanna go ride bikes...

              R.I.P \'87 4cyl Rustang
              \'03 Dodge SX2.0
              \'90 GTR32

