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Manitoba Skyline Owners

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  • BongRips
    I got my car out already Managed to rip it for a few days until more snow dumped. It sitting in my backyard right now just aching to be taken out again. Main roads aren't bad at all, just the side streets.

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  • NeptuneGTR
    Just saw a white r33 gts the other day. wish summer would come sooner arghhhh

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  • BongRips
    People still have their cars out?! I tried to take mine out a week or two ago and didn't even make it 15 feet before getting stuck. 4 seconds of excitement turned into 4 hours of pushing and pulling that car out of there

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  • Tony-R32
    yeah I saw that one too...and I saw shawns gtr in option plus near the end of summer.

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  • NeptuneGTR
    /\ Nice, is you'r the blue one that looks like my brothers car?

    Just seen the other day a R33 gtst or what ever code its called, white with a black bumper near regent.

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  • shawnr204
    if any of u guys wanna check out my car its gonn a be chillin at option plus on pembina for the winter

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  • Regenesis
    Catching up...

    @rak: Nice, Reenders Square?

    Lame that happened to Stefan.
    If he needs help, I'll grab the clutch pedal assembly.

    Originally posted by BRN32 View Post
    $550 usd is a bit much and why should I spend that myself and have the other ten Skyline owners ride my coat tails?
    I'd buy it.

    Originally posted by BinDeal View Post
    I don't know what you guys do or did, but in the 6 years of driving RHDs in summer daily, we have never been pulled over or hassled.
    Ditto. My car's still ripped up from the last time you guys saw it (finally got the cash to have it finished this spring! ^_^ ). Still, I'm knocking on my wood and keeping my luck. Maybe it's the particular areas that we drive in?

    Originally posted by BinDeal View Post
    So than you guys explain to me why some RHDs are getting pulled over left and right, while some are left alone?
    Cause mine's pretty? :P

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  • BongRips
    Well, I'll find out in the spring about the stamps on the lancer headlights at least in the spring as I have to replace the front bumper and a headlight. I wanna go back to oem lights just so they fit and look proper.

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  • Tony-R32
    pretty sure the oem lights on the new lancers have the dot markings on the somewhere on the back of the housing.

    BinDeal took off his dodge caravan lights and said they didn't have a dot stamp anywhere lol.

    When I was looking for replacement corner lights, I contemplated chrysler intrepids as they weren't terrible, those ones also didn't have stamps on the lens, only on the back of the housing.

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  • BongRips
    How often had you guys had your DOT stamps checked when you get pulled over? The one time I've been pulled over they didn't check that or even ANYTHING to do with having it legal here (seatbelts, tail lights, side markers, etc) I got pulled over ONLY because my fuse for my brake lights blew while I was driving in front of them on my way to Canadian Tire. Oh, I forgot, because my brake lights were burnt out, they checked my other bulbs only to make sure they worked, which they all did. Didn't check for side markers or DOT stamps and sent me on my way with a ticket for burnt out tail lights, which he misspelled my name in so it got thrown out anyway. He wasn't even being a **** or anything. And my 2009 Lancer doesn't even have stock DOT approved lights, so why is that legal and our Skyline OEM lights aren't "worthy" of being on out streets?

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  • BinDeal
    Originally posted by Tony-R32 View Post
    Age... guarantee it, they know as an adult you probably won't fight back at all, they see someone my age and think they can bully us. I'm staying rhd, the skyline is almost sold, so I'm getting an evo4, but you can get dot lights that fit for it, so my life won't be hell.

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  • Tony-R32
    Age... guarantee it, they know as an adult you probably won't fight back at all, they see someone my age and think they can bully us. I'm staying rhd, the skyline is almost sold, so I'm getting an evo4, but you can get dot lights that fit for it, so my life won't be hell.

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  • BinDeal
    I too, know a large amount of RHDs that have not been harassed. So there must be something wrong. I have driven beside them, infront, etc. and have not been pulled over. I know when I do get pulled over, I'll will have to change stuff to pass, but that will not stop me from driving a RHD, and soon we'll be getting a 3rd RHD to drive all year round. The police can get all the training they want about vehicle infractions, and I'll keep on getting the problem solved, and keep on driving my RHD cars. Like a cat and mouse game.

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  • Impul
    It depends who you get pulled over by, more and more police officers are being trained about vehicle infractions. I thought I wouldnt get pulled over, just like you. Soon, youll get pulled over like a large amount of us here.

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  • BinDeal
    So than you guys explain to me why some RHDs are getting pulled over left and right, while some are left alone?

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