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Manitoba Skyline Owners
Its exactly that. When I was getting my car on the dyno at Drag Mart I asked the guy why he was so reluctant to do an import. He said that most people doing up their imports don't know what kind of money it takes to get tuned and then in turn don't have the money to pay for it so they have a car sitting on the lot they can do nothing with except take up space and also they aren't getting paid. It's a lose-lose situation for a tuning shop in a scenario like that. You just have to make it known that you know how much it costs and that you will have the money to pay for it. Drag Mart only has a two wheel dyno though, but if I'm not mistaken, you gtr owners can just pull the fuse and go into rwd right? So that would work for tuning for you guys right? Also, cash will always get you a better price on your tuning than paying with visa or anything
I'm running nistune, you can go to wall's but you gotta flash some cash first, they've tuned worked on skylines in the past, its just I guess they've had bad experiences with imports, guess people not wanting to pay up.......
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dont think anyone is really using it here. none of the shops really wanna touch imports aswell
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Yeah, one glance at that thing and it would have failed. had a mad exhaust leak too, sounded like a tractor from the front of the car lol.
VIU = Vehicle Inspections Unit of the police, it's headed by a cop who was stripped of his gun, and now his only authority comes from his pen.
Sunday night cruising is a huge tradition in manitoba, and viu has it on the verge of being ruined completely. They set up blitz's throughout the summer, but they are out trolling the main cruising strip on sundays and pull over all kinds of nice cars. if you put any bit of work into it they will pull you over. I've seen them pull a car over that was rusted right through the door, and let it go without any tickets, while they gave me a ticket for side markers.
They are ignorant fucks that enforce some good and some bulshit rules. When people from manitoba say the "daniel stern report means nothing here" it's because VIU says "we don't care, this is manitoba". They target rhd's especially too!
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its a pretty beat car. back suspension if super springy. back corner by the gas cap is hit in from hitting a pole. then hammered back out. all the dot **** and what not. he was selling it before anyways. its just his daily since hes got crazy fd
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Personally, I wouldn't mind GTRC having a section for each province similar to that and maybe another break down for north south east and west for events and such. Anyways im not from Manitoba but goodluck with the site!
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Originally posted by Supraclean View PostWhat's VIU?
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What do you mean viu got him ? How bad was his inspection ? and why sell because of that?
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not sure if anyone of you heard but stefans 4 door got busted. he is now selling it as a rolling chassis if anyone is interested
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