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Rb25 Neo Wont Start, R32 Swap.

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  • Rb25 Neo Wont Start, R32 Swap.

    OK, so I have been trying to get this rb25 neo running for a couple of weeks now. I've done all the wiring myself and I'm about 98% sure its all done properly.

    i have fuel pressure, pump is wired to 12v constant through relay.(actually spikes way up to about 100psi)

    new tomei fuel pressure regulator.

    listened to the injectors with long screwdriver while turning the CAS and they're all clicking.

    pulled the coil-packs out, and with the spark plugs in them i turned the CAS. there's spark.

    I re-checked the cam timing, and its bang on.

    ive tried to start with maf unplugged. nothing.

    tried to start with ICV unplugged. nothing.

    installed fresh spark plugs after them getting fouled

    so im running out of ideas.. the engine cranks from the starter turning, but it doesnt even try to start. any ideas from anyone of what i could try next??

    the rb25 is from a r34 GTT.

    One thing i noticed was the TPS has 6 wires going to it. in two sets of 3, one set is black red and white which is connected. and the other set of 3 is brown yellow and green which isn't connected to anything and aprears to blacked of from the factory.(looks like and oem blanking plug)

    - Adam


  • #2
    fuel lines hooked up backwards
    gtr garage queen...anybody seen my wallet?


    • #3
      sooo there is definitely something fishy going on with the fueling system.

      - i turned the FPR max each way and it didnt even change the pressure at all.
      - i removed the fuel pump fuze and cranked the engine to see if the pressure would drop and it doesn't even budge.( injectors arent spitting?)
      - and with a hunch i removed the return line going to the FPR and its bone dry!... there much be a blockage inside the rail somewhere? probably before the injectors.

      what should i do from here? does this mean i have to remove my intake mani and access the fuel rail?? I've done it before, but what a pain in the ***
      - Adam



      • #4
        Originally posted by leeaspin View Post
        fuel lines hooked up backwards
        it seems like that.. but the pressure line coming from the fuel filter is connected to the tube just below where the OEM FPR would be. and then i have the fitting running to my aftermarket FPR and then to the tank. that is correct right? the FPR should be the last thing in the return line.
        - Adam



        • #5
          you were right. im an idiot. lines were backwards. works fine and engine is running. i love how the FPR and the dampener looks the exact same. fml
          - Adam



          • #6
            Been there before man! Its all good.
            Traction is optional, so are zipties

            92 Gtst/Silver bullet

