Hi there, i'm having a bitch of a time trying to get these ******* things out.. I've read a lot of information on the forums here and other forums as well, I'm trying all the methods mentioned... I don't have access to a 36mm socket nor does my local store even have one in stock so taking the hubs off is out of the question... I used heat, I ground down the balljoint face so its almost flat, Ive been whacking away with a 5 lb hammer and punch as the balljoint was hot, it hasn't even budged it looks like :/ I don't know what else to do , any help is much appreciated, I need my car for work Tuesday after the long weekend so I have one more day tomorrow to go at it all day. Please please help me I am so frustrated... 5 hours yesterday , 3 hours today and not one side is even out yet :/
I'll post some pictures..

I'll post some pictures..
