I"m looking here to learn about when or when not to use a racing harness, advatanges / disadvantages. I've half ass searched the internet to get some basic info but i'm sure you guys that are using them or are more in-tune with that type of motoring will have a better insight then trying to read radom pages.
What i've come to understand is that to take advantage of them you need to install them properly, many say only with a roll cage, but there are types that are meant to be installed without them. I see the posibility of back injury if the angle of the straps are incorrect.
Reason for asking is that where i live there is an abandoned airbase that's open for use as long as you respect some rules. 5000ft of runway can mean a LOT of fun, oh and there's 3 of them in a triangle with connecting roads...can you say Top Gear style test track?
Anyway, i thought something simple like a 3 point harness might be a good way go keep my ass tight in the seat.
What do you guys know about this?
What i've come to understand is that to take advantage of them you need to install them properly, many say only with a roll cage, but there are types that are meant to be installed without them. I see the posibility of back injury if the angle of the straps are incorrect.
Reason for asking is that where i live there is an abandoned airbase that's open for use as long as you respect some rules. 5000ft of runway can mean a LOT of fun, oh and there's 3 of them in a triangle with connecting roads...can you say Top Gear style test track?
What do you guys know about this?