Thank you all once again.....I have a bit of clarity. And to what plankworx just shared, i.e.,
1)Strong, independant, dominant reproductive partner - I was strong and independent, but I was not dominant. The other guy is strong and dominant, but not independent. He cannot even read and cannot make even a phone call to customer service people to make any changes to his cellphone plans, etc..
2)Reliable, devoted, prosperous primary provider (can also be reproductive partner, see marriages that work, but often not the case) - I was reliable and devoted, but not prosperous. The other guy is reliable and prosperous, but he was abusive, so wasn't devoted
3)Friendly, supportive secondary providers (friends/associates etc) - I have been this, and the other guy NOW is all this too, since he has "stopped doing drugs and drinking"
You are all so right when you mention your own examples and what you think of what she is doing. She has daddy issues and that is a fact, because she was sexually and emotional and physically abused by her dad, along with her sisters. She grew up wanting to set things right with a father-figure. This guy that she keeps going back to, is over 48 yrs old and she is only 34. So go figure.
All the above is fun and dandy. But I need distraction. I need healthy, wholesome distraction and an alternative as Carter (hozer) said earlier. My GTR has been a source of joy, but the way things stand, and as I have sold so many of the things off of it, I dont think I will have the ability to put it back together AND move out. Its one or the other. It cannot be both, unless I win a $2000 lottery, lol.
I still need parts, still need friends to cheer me up. And I am reaching out to you guys, because to me, although I have never met most of you, you guys have al come through for me. You have helped me with your advice and guidance and suggestions more than even my closest friends from my teenage years would have. I love you all, and I mean it in a completely non-gay way
For those in/around GTA, if you guys would help me out in sourcing out parts that I need to get her ready, that would really help. Beer and wings are on me, and I will also pay whatever I can for the parts. I dont need or want any favors, because a favor to me becomes a business transaction, which must be returned. Otherwise it becomes resentment. If you call me your friend, you will see what kind of a friend I am - who would cut himself up for you before letting any harm come to you. You have shown me with your kind words what a fantastic bunch of human beings you all are. And age is nothing to go by in this case. I have heard mature and sound opinions from many of you who are half my age. And it heartens me and brings tears to my eyes that you all were kind enough to invest a few minutes of your life into making mine a bit better. Isn't that what community and love and friendship are all about?
Thanks a gazillion, my friends. I will try and list down what I need to get my GTR going and maybe some of you have parts that I need:
1. Hood
2. Front bumper with lip
3. Wheels and rubber
5. Headlights and corner lights
6. Downpipe
7. Reverse lights
8. Trunk latch
9. BOVs
10. Someone to appraise the car for cheap so I can register it in my name
11. Putting the tranny in and putting the car together (engine already dropped in)
12. MAF
It is hard for me to ask for help. The car has been stuck in the ground for a good 3 months now, as the ground shifted due to rain and thawing snow. I cannot do it all by myself. And I with a limited budget, where I can either move, OR buy some parts, it is hard to do both. But I cannot move unless the car is worthy of being moved. So my first option is to secure a decent set of wheels and rubber.
I wish she could somehow see where she has brought me to.....I dont wish ill on her, because revenge is a useless action. I do hope and wish to God that He opens her eyes and helps her learn to live a healthy and wholesome life. I forgive her. I do.
Thanks again, all of you. Today, I can surely say that I have friends and am not alone. Now find me a good girlfriend, lol.
1)Strong, independant, dominant reproductive partner - I was strong and independent, but I was not dominant. The other guy is strong and dominant, but not independent. He cannot even read and cannot make even a phone call to customer service people to make any changes to his cellphone plans, etc..
2)Reliable, devoted, prosperous primary provider (can also be reproductive partner, see marriages that work, but often not the case) - I was reliable and devoted, but not prosperous. The other guy is reliable and prosperous, but he was abusive, so wasn't devoted
3)Friendly, supportive secondary providers (friends/associates etc) - I have been this, and the other guy NOW is all this too, since he has "stopped doing drugs and drinking"
You are all so right when you mention your own examples and what you think of what she is doing. She has daddy issues and that is a fact, because she was sexually and emotional and physically abused by her dad, along with her sisters. She grew up wanting to set things right with a father-figure. This guy that she keeps going back to, is over 48 yrs old and she is only 34. So go figure.
All the above is fun and dandy. But I need distraction. I need healthy, wholesome distraction and an alternative as Carter (hozer) said earlier. My GTR has been a source of joy, but the way things stand, and as I have sold so many of the things off of it, I dont think I will have the ability to put it back together AND move out. Its one or the other. It cannot be both, unless I win a $2000 lottery, lol.
I still need parts, still need friends to cheer me up. And I am reaching out to you guys, because to me, although I have never met most of you, you guys have al come through for me. You have helped me with your advice and guidance and suggestions more than even my closest friends from my teenage years would have. I love you all, and I mean it in a completely non-gay way

For those in/around GTA, if you guys would help me out in sourcing out parts that I need to get her ready, that would really help. Beer and wings are on me, and I will also pay whatever I can for the parts. I dont need or want any favors, because a favor to me becomes a business transaction, which must be returned. Otherwise it becomes resentment. If you call me your friend, you will see what kind of a friend I am - who would cut himself up for you before letting any harm come to you. You have shown me with your kind words what a fantastic bunch of human beings you all are. And age is nothing to go by in this case. I have heard mature and sound opinions from many of you who are half my age. And it heartens me and brings tears to my eyes that you all were kind enough to invest a few minutes of your life into making mine a bit better. Isn't that what community and love and friendship are all about?
Thanks a gazillion, my friends. I will try and list down what I need to get my GTR going and maybe some of you have parts that I need:
1. Hood
2. Front bumper with lip
3. Wheels and rubber
5. Headlights and corner lights
6. Downpipe
7. Reverse lights
8. Trunk latch
9. BOVs
10. Someone to appraise the car for cheap so I can register it in my name
11. Putting the tranny in and putting the car together (engine already dropped in)
12. MAF
It is hard for me to ask for help. The car has been stuck in the ground for a good 3 months now, as the ground shifted due to rain and thawing snow. I cannot do it all by myself. And I with a limited budget, where I can either move, OR buy some parts, it is hard to do both. But I cannot move unless the car is worthy of being moved. So my first option is to secure a decent set of wheels and rubber.
I wish she could somehow see where she has brought me to.....I dont wish ill on her, because revenge is a useless action. I do hope and wish to God that He opens her eyes and helps her learn to live a healthy and wholesome life. I forgive her. I do.
Thanks again, all of you. Today, I can surely say that I have friends and am not alone. Now find me a good girlfriend, lol.