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Starting a gas war

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  • #16
    Originally posted by nismo-152 View Post
    Canadian consumers in 2010 used 2.151 million barrels of oil a day. United states is around 20.8 million a day. Im not sure if that includes military usage or not.

    Today oil is 108.00 a barrel. 300,000 barrels would then cost 32,4000,000.
    Im not trying to start a battle on gtrc but these are the figures.
    Sorry mate, should have made the figures more clear.

    $55 million in gas/day
    300,000 barrels of oil/day

    2 separate figures, but yes your numbers are correct.
    Last edited by hozer; 04-05-2011, 10:38 AM.
    Originally posted by archaeic_bloke
    hows the warp drive? i've seen far too many GTR's lately that just arent able to hit warp speed.


    • #17
      EDIT: Ah **** it, never mind, not getting into this...
      Last edited by Snake556; 04-05-2011, 02:17 PM.
      Originally posted by kengeroo
      that's what I thought when I opened the package..
      ...don't drink and ebay
      '03 Ford Mustang


      • #18
        I remember back when gas was $0.80 a couple years ago. Unfortunately I didn't have my license at the time Hell, even $1 for premium is good with me, $1.40 is getting stupid.
        BNR32- Sold
        1998 Evolution V


        • #19
          Buying a GTR and then whining about gas prices is like marrying a stripper only to discover she's a Ho.....


          • #20
            You're forgetting basic supply/demand....if everyone starting buying from Husky et al, demand rises, supply drops=price rises. Since the biguns don't really care what general consumers of vehicle fuel do (and crude prices are artificially controlled through OPEC and commodities markets), their supply/demand curve won't budge, and therefore their prices will remain roughly the same. On the other hand, Husky is much more sensitive to changes in the curve, and will result in an increase in their prices.

            Though the sentiment is gold, unfortunately all this will do is increase the prices at the few "discount" gas stations, and screw the owners of the other stations.
            '93 R33 Gts25T Inked Art Car - SOLD

            See the Sharpie makeover, and other inked cars from around the world


            • #21
              First of all this would never work here in NB for a couple of reason.

              The main one being that our price are base on the US crude oil barrel price + FLUCTUATION. Basically were always
              going to pay more then it's actually worth. lol And the price has nothing to do with demand or even supply. We could
              have our gas station going dry and then still couldn't raise there price.

              What really sucks is even if the price pers barrel is about the same at the start of the week then at the end, if you
              get a week with a LOT of volatility in the market, well the price is probably going to go up.

              Considering we would only have a negligible affect on the base price of oil, the only alternative is to attack
              the speculative aspect of it, which is a lot more than most people would like to admit. This is the part where
              I kind of like the idea of this thread, but with a little twist. Since a lot of the speculation is base on oil reserve
              for the next X amount of time. Well If every body would buy from a single company on a russian roulette kind
              of way. Like week 1 company x, week 2 company y, sometime use the same company 2 weeks in a row. If done
              in long enough, oil company would have to raise there oil reserve to make sure that they wouldn't run out, and
              have to buy from competition.

              Any way, all of this would only limit the volatility and not address the base price, and lets face it since China is
              now the market to be in for the automotive industry, we all know what that means.

              Let buy electric cars, that pollutes 3X more to make, and use pattens own by the oil company. lmao

              But think about this, during the summer, if you live close to work, use a bike or walk. That's what's
              going to make the real difference. Cause when you really think about it, Canada is one of the country
              that is going to be the most affected by the higher price of oil. Our population is one of the most
              spread out out of all the developed country, meaning it's going to have the most effect on products
              directly affected by gas price, which is pretty much every thing. Kind of ironic when you think we
              actually export the stuff.

              Where are the good old time where price was base on supply and demand, and not who's the president
              of the company and is health, what's going to be the demand next summer, what's the chance of having
              attack on pipe line, what's the chance of getting downgraded/upgraded, chance of finding new sites, ....

              Until there a substitute for oil, it's going to remain a safe place for investor, the safer it is, the more we are
              going to have to pay for it. China could have gone in a new direction, by putting in place a whole new
              system in place (like hydrogen, electric, ... station) but I guess it might of been a little to much to espect
              from a corrupt government. (please don't tell me that they have to get the energy from somewhere, dirty
              energy). Gasoline engine are NOT has efficient has battery car, aldo I admit the production of there battery
              does pollute a lot. but since most of the manufacturing is done in china, lets just say that a Prius wouldn't
              have to go around the earth 3 time before being assemble.

              Anyway, if you want cheap fuel, get the government to lower the taxes on it. LMAO
              Try to get a system like in Venezuela..... good luck
              On an other note anyone wants to chip in and split the price of a full tanker on a train with me.
              14 VW Jetta TDI
              05 Sentra SpecV - winter beater -
              95 240sx (RB25DET powered)
              95 240sx ( powered)
              89 GTR - Money Pit -


              • #22
                Originally posted by NismoS-tune View Post
                This won't work sadly and so many things have been tried but failed. I spent about $70 a month on gas by taking the bus to work for the last 9 years and I'm not alone there either but this is the way the world turns. The value of money increases which does the same to everything around it. I get a %4 raise every year because of inflation (which is not enough) and therefore everything else increases, including gas. Too many people can't live without gassing up regularly. Even if you buy from Extra foods or safeway, Esso is still making money.
                what's the current rate of inflation?
                Need detailing done to your car? I'm open to travel to detail your car :


                Please follow my works and latest news/promotion at : || ||


                • #23
                  '93 R33 Gts25T Inked Art Car - SOLD

                  See the Sharpie makeover, and other inked cars from around the world


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by hozer View Post
                    Working in the oil industry I can personally guarantee you that this makes absolutely no difference. Consumer oil consumption is laughable, they could care less.

                    US military spends $55 mil on gas each DAY (300,000 barrels of oil a day)... Average consumer $3750 in a YEAR max (25 thousand km in a 10L/100km vehicle at $1.50/L)...

                    get 5 million people to boycott gas for an entire year and you'd still spend less than what only the US mil spends a day
                    5 mil people = 5,000,000
                    1 person a year = 3750$

                    5,000,000 * 3750$/year = 18,750,000,000$/year

                    US military = 55mil = 55,000,000$/day

                    55,000,000$ * 365 = 20,075,000,000$/year

                    you suck at math, if they lost 18bil in a year cuz of those 5mil people i'm pretty sure they wouldn't like it


                    • #25
                      johnnyjohnny is right, i'ts basic economics.

                      The price will come down when demand is low. because the seller will have so much extra supply that it will need decrease price in attempts to get rid of it.

                      Buyer controls the market...but not when the only seller is monopolistic/ ologopolistic, and the buyer has no other choice.

                      The only way to get the price of gas down again would be to find a sustainable alternative, but untill that time, you better use lube!
                      Originally posted by Paradis
                      ^^ hows not being rich going? ...haters be hatin


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by spikeone View Post
                        5 mil people = 5,000,000
                        1 person a year = 3750$

                        5,000,000 * 3750$/year = 18,750,000,000$/year

                        US military = 55mil = 55,000,000$/day

                        55,000,000$ * 365 = 20,075,000,000$/year

                        you suck at math, if they lost 18bil in a year cuz of those 5mil people i'm pretty sure they wouldn't like it
                        Hahahaha good lord I do suck at math lol... was 1am don't judge me bro I don't even know HTF I got that... think I was trying to compare years?
                        Originally posted by archaeic_bloke
                        hows the warp drive? i've seen far too many GTR's lately that just arent able to hit warp speed.


                        • #27
                          You guys that care about this should spend the energy of your concerned little hearts towards keeping your car on the road (legally if that changes) in the coming years.
                          No build thread.
                          1991 nissan
                          El terror

                          "Built not bought" sooner or later = "broken not running"


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Tony-R32 View Post
                            johnnyjohnny is right, i'ts basic economics.

                            The price will come down when demand is low. because the seller will have so much extra supply that it will need decrease price in attempts to get rid of it.

                            Buyer controls the market...but not when the only seller is monopolistic/ ologopolistic, and the buyer has no other choice.

                            The only way to get the price of gas down again would be to find a sustainable alternative, but untill that time, you better use lube!
                            1994 R32 GT-R V-Spec II

                            Originally posted by aN4rk1
                            Like frig, is it really that hard to spell properly on the "internetz"?? I don't know whether these guys just choose to spell like that or don't know HOW to spell...either way...WTF?


                            • #29
                              You need a tiered system. Split the gas stations into 2 competing groups and set up a 0.05$ range in which to pick a group of stations to buy from.

                              eg - group 1 is shell/mohawk/esso, group 2 is chevron/petrocan/husky

                              if gas is 1.20-1.25, buy from group 1.
                              if gas is 1.15-1.20, buy from group 2.
                              if gas is 1.10-1.15, buy from group 1.

                              It'll deter price fixing and motivate gas companies to try and cut costs for gas as well as let people still have a choice in the gas they buy and always buy the cheaper gas.


                              • #30
                                well gas just went to 121.9 for regular here
                                Check out Top Tier Imports. Sign up today!

