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My 1995 GTR project thread.
Thanks Evo
Im trying to drag my ass to the workship tonight to do more, but i drove 500klm today and had to deal with many ethnic minorities both on the highways and at the wholesalers in Markham so i'm a little short on patience!
I asked one nice young man working on the RMA counter of Compugen why they don't hire people that speak English for customer service duties and was told . "I'm sorry sir, English is only a minority language in this area, when hired we are expected to be able to speak chinese or punjabbi , English secondary" .
BTW hope this doesnt offend any of youno offence intended !
Originally posted by cortexx View PostThanks Evo
Im trying to drag my ass to the workship tonight to do more, but i drove 500klm today and had to deal with many ethnic minorities both on the highways and at the wholesalers in Markham so i'm a little short on patience!
I asked one nice young man working on the RMA counter of Compugen why they don't hire people that speak English for customer service duties and was told . "I'm sorry sir, English is only a minority language in this area, when hired we are expected to be able to speak chinese or punjabbi , English secondary" .
BTW hope this doesnt offend any of youno offence intended !
1991 Silver Skyline R32 GT-R - SOLD You will be sorely missed girl :'(
NP EMA ...
So down to business , I recieved my 48 inch roll of dinoc black dry carbon textured 3M stuff and have attempted to wrap my dash.
Now seeing as how this is my first attempt at wrapping , and it's well known that my 8 yr old daughter wraps xmas presents better then i do , i figured i'd start with the easiest piece first .
First i needed to gather some basic tools so a quick trip to walmart for a nice sharp xacto knife and a rummage through the bathroom to steal my wifes hairdryer for a heat source.
The R33 dash trim comes in 2 pieces , upper and lower part that blends into the center contole.
The console part of my dash was covered with a crappy shiney carbon vinyl and it looked like shite so i ripped it off.
Once removed (took a while) i had another rummage in the bathroom and found my wifes nailpolish remover and used it along with an old t-shirt to clean up the surface that was exposed ...
By now the nailpolish remover had given me a bit of a headache so i tossed the rest of it back in the bathroom and hoping my wife wouldn't notice 1/2 the bottle had gone , and threw the old t-shirt in the garbage and opened the door to get rid of the stink , next time i'll use something else instead .
Next job was to pry of the little metal fasteners that hold the suede boot on , this only took about an hour, sometimes i think Nissan and then WTFFF . stupid way to attach it for sure .
Once off i took out the fag lighter and was left with a surface ready to wrap , i cut out a piece of the material abd spent the next hour massaging it around the plastic moulding.
After a redbull , 2 shots of ventolin and a nasty coffee my 13 yr old made me i ended up with this :-
with no flash so it looks more lifelike :-
after we sat and stared at the radiant beauty of the dynoc textured finish for a while i reinstalled the boot and fag lighter and voila ..
Spurred on by our success we decided to attempt the dash trim - i see we because i enrolled the help of my 13 yr old daughter to hold the hairdryer while i held the moulding with one hand and stretched the material with the other . It's definately a 3 hand job .
This is the dash along with 15 years of scarring and marks :-
This is an ancient asian hyroglyphic that came with my car and i havn't a clue what it sayes , translation would be appreciated . The local nissan dealership had a hunch it said "foragoodtimecallcdguy" but a confirmation would be good (j/k btw in case you are THAT gullible, its the nail polish remover talking here).
After pulling off all the junk we are left once again with virgin plastic ready for wrap, so i cut out a piece big enough to do it in 1 piece making sure the grain on the material went the same way as the grain on the center console piece . And proceeded to peel and stick , heat , stretch , stick , heat and restretch , insert blasphemous word here etc ...... took a photo while the tips of my fingers recover and cool down .
Finally after about 2 hours of cursing, swearing , dropping the knife on my foot , dropping the hair dryer , burning my fingertips we finally got this -
Not too bad has a few flaws in it .
At this point i'm going to say that 3M does a primer that is recommended but not required for secure adhesion of the material. I'm did not use it , but there are some areas especially edges and inside curves that need it for the material to stay put . I'm ordering a can tommorrow and i'm going to fix the imperfections with it.
The fag ash tray was never int he car when i got it , instead there was an Apexi revspeed meter which i have removed but i plan to plate this and install my pin pad entry for the starter , a serial interface for my datalogit and the LED and calibration switch for my wideband
updates to follow soon (tm)Last edited by cortexx; 08-08-2011, 11:40 PM.
Ahhh Virgin fingertips wrapping. You should try pealing a 100% coverage wrap on a Mega cab Dodge dulley with a canopy. My staff hates it. Looks like good work. The primer will help in the negative curves around where you had to heat and stretch to finishe the edges. Remember to relax the vinyl with heat once it is all trimmed and finished.
Good work !
Tip for the next one.
Use an open flame torch toss the hair drier. Practice on material get used to the amount of heat it takes its more then you think. The adhesive will smoke JUST before it burns the face of the material.You can't fix stupid.