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My 1995 GTR project thread.
UPDATE : 18-8-2011
No pictures atm because i have been too busy actually working on the car, list of mini accomplishments this last week include :-
Ran wiring Defi boost , oil press, oil temp , water temp and the innovate WB kit through the drivers side fender and into the cockpit.
Installing the DEFI control unit vertically against the ventilation box behind the glove box.
Extending the defi loom and Installed the triple gauge pod on the dash
Installing the defi boost gauge on the A-pillar along with the Innovate wideband gauge.
calibrated and installed the innovate lambda box and WB o2 sensor.
Re attached my front license plate after a brush with the law.
started the design of an induction airbox that im having fabbed in aluminum :-
Thats right , i really dont like the bright yellow grex air filter pods that came with the greddy kit, nothing wrong with the way they work i just dislike them . So i have started fabbing an aluminum induction box similar to the ARC unit that will utilize a large K&N flat filter and take it's air from outside the car rather than the engine bay. This will mean i'll probably be fabbing up my own suction pipes and selling the greddy kit. That will be one of the tasks this winter as well as installing new cams and a nismo intake plenum .
I ended up ripping off the dynoc off the triple gauge pod because it was heavily stretched and looked bad , it was also very hard to make a good job because of the complex shape . I had at one point successfully covered it but the tension and stretching of the vinyl actually distorted the pod and it wouldn't match the dash profile any more.
The Greddy A-pillar repro carbon unit i got from C-unit did not fit , it left a 1 inch gap where it intersects with the dash and it wasnt wide enough the whole length meaning with adjustment either the roof lining edge was exposed OR the metal edge of the bodywork was exposed on the outer side. It was also too short and didnt reachup and butt into the plastic moulding at the top end either .Very dissapointing once again. I took a look at Daryls R32 this week and it looks like it was made for an R32 not an R33 so if anyone wants it ill sell it cheap. I'm not going to approach C-unit about this because last time i did , he offered a resolution and didn't follow up with it so lesson learn't !
Next step is going to be to build the fuel system , i have the injectors , pump , fpr and rail. So just need to fab lines , going to use the same Russel black braided lines and fittings that I used on the oil catch lines.
The dash is now back together , ill post some pictures of this later tonight if i get the chance.
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the keypad was already wired , i just extended the loom and moved it. On checking out the associated loom , its very easy to install consisting of the pad , a single relay and some wiring to the ignition barrel loom.
I was going to remove it but it's such a great anti-theft device .
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Next piece to conquer is the triple gauge pod im using to mount my defi set to the dash , got this froma group buy and it fits the dash perfectly -
cutting a sheet of the vinyl i proceed to stretch and wrap starting from the front. Once one pod face is wrapped it seemed like a good idea to stuff a gauge in to keep it secure -
after about another 15 minutes of massaging , heating stretching i got the second gauge in -
moving on to the 3rd and final gauge things are really beginning to take shape .
This is where i stopped for the night , the sheer amount of peeling off , heating , stretching , massaging the vinyl and adjusting its position rendered me unable to feel my finger tips so after 2 hours of work on the pod itself i'm calling it a night !
Gnite GTRC
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Well i was going to have an early night tonight but after the encouraging results i got from the previous nights dash covering i decided to press on with things.
When i bought the car it came from Japan with all kinds of badley installed gauges , electronics and a pin pad for starting the car . I have ripped out all of the aftermarket junk from the dash and started making things a little more functional and nicer looking but i always like the security of the security pad.
When i turn the key to start the engine , nothing happens unless i key in a 4 digit code - only problem is that it was located behind the indicator stalk meaning i have to struggle to see what im punching in , a bit of a pain in the ass. Also , the revspeed meter was originally installed where the ashtray should be and i had no ashtray to reinstall once i had removed it so i decided to kill 2 birds with one stone - relocate the pinpad to the console where the ashtray used to be
To remove the dash trim i had to actually cut the pin pad off because whoever installed it drilled a hole through the dash trim and threaded the loom into it's respective locations. So i chopped the 4 wire loom about 6 inches from the pad to give myself enough wire to work with.
I rummaged around the garage and found a rigid piece of plastic board that i trimmed and made fit into the ashtray opening which i then wrapped with the dynoc carbon film and prepped it for install . I had some fitting foam strips in my defi gauge boxes so i lined the surrounding with this and pushed the plate into position. The foam holds it in place very firmly and it's very solid without being permanent and can be taken appart easily -
the pin pad looks like this , very small and neat unit with lightup buttons when ignition is on -
now i had to make a hole for the loom to run through so i broke out the trusty dremel with a rotary bit and a minute later i had the perfect hole for wiring -
now i could pass the wires through and mount the pin pad -
2 pieces of 3M double sided frisk tape on the back of the keypad and we're in business
Now the pad is going to be located a a fair distance from the original location so i had to make a loom extension to wire it again , so i needed 4 wires red,green,black and white . I had some spools of light gauge stranded wire in red , black and green so i measured and cut 1 red piece , 1 green piece and 2 black , one of which will be white ( confused ? read on ).
a while back i bought this from fastenal - one of the best investments for modding and creating wiring looms , i learnt alot of how to do this repairing pinball machines back in the day .
I also have one of these soldering guns , irons are great but when you need the extra heat for grounding straps and connectors then nothing touches this baby -
back to the loom , you'll remember i cut 2 black wires - one to be white . Well thats because i didnt have white so we get over that by using a second black but shrinking a piece of white shrink tube over the ends so that it is coded as a white wire , used to do this all the time in very complicated bundles with more wires than colours and it makes it easy to trace if you have problems later.
The bundle of wires was formed into a flexible loom by cutting small rings of shrink tubing and using them to keep it together but keep it flexible .
Eventually we thread several pieces on each conductor and then prepare to splice the loom to the original . I'd like to say at this point how BAD solderless cable splicers are, terrible connections and really unsafe considering how many amps are available in the car. If you are going to do your own auto wiring please learn how to solder properly and use the heatshrink . There is no substitute for soldered joints and the time spent practicing this art is time well spent .
Tin the bared wires and then solder them together . (tinning is the process of presoldering the wires to be joined to make sure the solder penetrates the very thickness of the wire and a good connection can be achieved). Then slide the heatshrink over the bare joints and heat shink them .
Another thing - make sure you slide the heatshrink on BEFORE you solder , hard to slide it on once the wires are joined. I know how obvious that sounds but after decades of soldering i still occasionally make the same stupid mistake
Shrunk and secure -
You'll also notice that i tend to slide yet another larger piece of tubing over all the freshly soldered and shrunk wires , this is a precaution to give an extra layer of protection and to stiffen up the loom in that area where the joins are to reduce the chance of flex and breaking , solder is very brittle.
Finished trim and pin pad ready to be reinstalled
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Ok man let me know how much you want for a sheet and I'll grab some off ya and I've it a whirl.
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that looks really good man! Where did you get that material? Is it non shiny (close match to CF hoods?)
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Ahhh Virgin fingertips wrapping. You should try pealing a 100% coverage wrap on a Mega cab Dodge dulley with a canopy. My staff hates it. Looks like good work. The primer will help in the negative curves around where you had to heat and stretch to finishe the edges. Remember to relax the vinyl with heat once it is all trimmed and finished.
Good work !
Tip for the next one.
Use an open flame torch toss the hair drier. Practice on material get used to the amount of heat it takes its more then you think. The adhesive will smoke JUST before it burns the face of the material.
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no , my finger tips feel like the dogs been chewing them lol . If you want material i have some if you want to try it.
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