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Ordering REIMAX, need to know stock (STD) oil pump gear size!? Quick, simple!

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  • Ordering REIMAX, need to know stock (STD) oil pump gear size!? Quick, simple!

    Hi, yes i did my research:

    For a stock oil pump on RB26 we have STD size and an N1 pump, please post some numbers for both, because guy from REIMAX stating that 81mm x 11mm is an N1 oil pump gear size! Which i think is wrong!


    Here is the thread i found on NICO where you can see the differences between N1 and STD oil pumps
    ( )

    According to those pictures i have N1 oil pump, i measeure the diameter and is was 77mm, so:

    N1 oil pump is indeed 77mm in diameter

    Here is the pictures of my pump, its amazing how they crack even on the long sleeved crank collar!((((

    Last edited by tryingtobebest; 02-10-2011, 12:25 AM.
    TTBB is a true ACN member

  • #2
    Pretty sure STD pump is 81 mm and N1 is 77mm...Allan did ALOT of research into these pumps.


    • #3
      Not to be rude, but I think I'd listen to the Reimax guy... Just a slight guess that he knows his stuff.


      • #4
        Ok, i measured mine out, and find out that i hve an N1 OIL pump, measurment is 77mm

        Here is the thread i found on NICO where you can see the differences between N1 and STD oil pumps
        ( )

        Updated first post
        TTBB is a true ACN member


        • #5
          Tryingtobebest - alot of us on this forum are running N1 pumps, could please tell us your story on how you broke your drive gear ? How you noticed it ? Your engines hp ? Were you runnig a after market crank damper ? And most importantly what brand of collar were you using and do you know the clearance it was machined to ?

          Seems lime in the past alot of N1 failures were due to to much clearance in the crank collar (Jun?) or not running a after market crank damper.
          "LAG is the time the guy beside you thought he won"


          • #6
            wow that gear is MESSED! lol
            imprints on both sides, mine had one tiny mark..
            were you banging the rev limiter like crazy? or just a time thing
            - Adam



            • #7
              these oil pump drives don't like:

              1. bad tolerance between crank collar.

              2. hitting the rev limiter.


              • #8
                Originally posted by evilgtr View Post
                Tryingtobebest - alot of us on this forum are running N1 pumps, could please tell us your story on how you broke your drive gear ? How you noticed it ? Your engines hp ? Were you runnig a after market crank damper ? And most importantly what brand of collar were you using and do you know the clearance it was machined to ?

                Seems lime in the past alot of N1 failures were due to to much clearance in the crank collar (Jun?) or not running a after market crank damper.
                +1... would also REALLY like to know the back story.
                The SkyLife Community & News Website -->


                • #9
                  I bought this engine like that, i checked the rod and main beds all ok, not run very long with broken gear, the guy just build it with Wiseco and Eagle, didn't even put 3-4k km on it, and the car got on fire. I do not know if he was abusing it with the revs or not! Hi telling me that hi didn't, but who knows. The engine has stock pulley!
                  Oh, this is the R33 long collar drive, not JUN just stock r33 crank!
                  That is as much as i can tell!
                  TTBB is a true ACN member


                  • #10
                    Intersting, from the wear on the collar its looks like it may have had a little play or to much clearance. Strictly speculation though since you dont know the engines history.

                    Thats awesome you found it and you can still salvage the engine nice work
                    "LAG is the time the guy beside you thought he won"


                    • #11
                      Yes, im shure it was a bad tolerance!
                      TTBB is a true ACN member


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by tryingtobebest View Post

                        obviously caused from a loose fitting collar crank. R23.33 and YES even the R34 crank can cause this. I just measured a R34 crank last week and its all the same crap. Just look at the picture above. It cracked right in the middle of the 3/16" contact on the power stroke. (Crank turns clockwise). Id say that particular one was on the limiter often as there are marking on each side of the flat. Makes no difference tho. Just another prime example concluding there IS a clearance issue. if it were a tight fitting collar like the ones I make the crack would be right in the corner and thus have a thicker part of the pump to crack through.

                        Im not saying my collars would 100% stop this from happening, it would just be a lot less likely. There is a design problem for sure. If I have time I want to work on a reimax style pump with 2JZ style drive. Just not sure if Id get around to it as I am a bank account full of money away from going dry.

                        I do think the reimax gears would be a good upgrade from the N1. Tho, before I install those gears, I WOULD measure and suite with a proper fitting collar with tight clearances! Cheers.
                        ALLEN PETERSEN
                        Number (604) 961-2449
                        4XTOYS/ Lower Mainland Skyline Service and aftermarket RB parts.
                        RB30`s for sale!


                        • #13
                          ^ %100 the truth
                          "LAG is the time the guy beside you thought he won"


                          • #14
                            Run a Morroso external oilpump or dry sump setup. Problem solved.

                            Godzilla Motorsport ran a external oilpump on their R32 GTR dragcar (2:10+) -

                            900awhp on dyno.
                            Last edited by Skym; 02-10-2011, 09:45 PM.
                            RESPONSE MONSTER

                            The most epic signature ever "epic".


                            • #15
                              thats so weird... I bought a new R34 crank from Nissan, and an N1 oil pump... clearance between inner gear (driven) and drive output spline on the crank was less than a thou... almost press fit to get them together.... are you suggesting that there is a large variation between the "acceptable" specs, and what Nissan factory actually outputs? there must be eh?
                              The SkyLife Community & News Website -->

