That write-up has a great chart to show you why I think that hotwiring the coils is the way to go. You can dynamically increase your effective dwell even though the dwell time is fixed by the ECU. What do I mean?
If you use your factory coil (+) feed to charge the coils then you are short changing yourself on the amount of energy supplied to the coil in the time allotted. The factory feed has more resistance as well as less voltage, both combined limits the amount of energy put into the coil...especially at higher RPMs. By "hotwiring" the coils (feeding the + side from a relay directly from the battery, switched by the factory feed) the current avail. should be in the range of 1-2 AMPs and 2-3 volts more than the factory feed. This can increase the "effective" dwell from 3.5ms to 5ms even though the actual time allotted hasn't changed. Simply put, you can get as much work done in 3.5ms that would equal the work done in 5ms if you left the factory feeds in place and changed the dwell times in your ECU.
So if you can't mess with the dwell times, don't sweat it. Hotwire the coils and you will get a similar result. Not only will these coils give you more pop, as is, factory harness fed, they will function even better without messing with the ECU by simply feeding them battery voltage.