Hey everyone I got bored and decided to redo my build thread, with everything I've learned and the information info I collected from the great minds of the forums and friends.
Link to my old thread: http://forums.gtrcanada.com/gts-proj...oject-car.html
I picked up my almost righten off HCR32 with a swapped RB25DET from an auto body shop up in Scotsburn NS in the middle of February.
And I had originally found out about the car from my friend who went and bought an old 90's cavalier from him and he spotted it and asked about it, after hearing about it I called the owner of the shop up and he was asking 2,500 for it.

After making the three hour drive there and back, and a few sleepless nights I called the shop and told him that if he brought it down I'd have the check waiting for him. And that's how the story of my skyline begins
At the time I didn't have any where to store the car so I asked my aunt and uncle if I could use the garage and they were more the happy to let me work on the car during the winter.
The first thing I did when I started working on the car was remove the hood, fenders, and I borrowed a slide hammer from my collage to pull the rad support out.

Once I pulled the rad support out I removed the trashed old rad and HKS intercooler, and cut the bumper beam off.

I popped the trunk and wasn't expecting to see what i saw haha

Once the weather started to get a little better I ordered a front cut with no engine from Jdm online. and couldnt wait to put the hood on it and lay the fenders on to see what it looked like

Just before the big move to my house
The guy who came to bring the car back to my place was flying down Waverley road(twisty residential street) doing about 10-20 over the speed limit and openly told me that he was going to be there before me... he almost took out three green bins. The guy just plain scared me haha

Once the car had come home I started working on removing the rad support(like an idiot)
The first rule when buying a smashed car always always leave it in one piece.

My little work tent

When I finaly got the rad support off I had already drilled out the spot welds on the front cuts rad support and needed to take off the GTR rad holder things....

After all that I slid the new rad support on and clamped it down. During this time I just stated my work term and the work slowed down and I asked the owner of the shop if it would be okay if I brought my car in to work on it, more importantly pull the frame.

When I lined up the new rad support it was not centred because there were some wrinkles in the right front wheel well. It also didn't help me that i cut the old rad support off, its a lot easier to pull a frame with everything intact. But you only learn from your mistakes
Once at the shop we could only get it on the frame puller that was built into the ground, love bring low

But lucky for me I had gone and found the car dimensions and printed it off and we use the measuring sticks to get everything lined up and welded, also fitted the bumper beam and my gaps... but with no turbo charger piping.

When the frame work was we bled the brakes and also changed the break fluid.
I also bought an eBay front mount intercooler and put that on without cutting the bumper beam, GTR bumpers are great :P

looking like a car again hahaha
The next thing to do was get my exhaust welded back together and mount it

It was cut in two places, at each end, so by the rad in the picture and by the tip.
When I finished welding I took a look into my cat and noticed it was really clean and I'm guessing it had a cleaned one installed, and when the exhaust was all welded and mounted up we were good.
Link to my old thread: http://forums.gtrcanada.com/gts-proj...oject-car.html
I picked up my almost righten off HCR32 with a swapped RB25DET from an auto body shop up in Scotsburn NS in the middle of February.
And I had originally found out about the car from my friend who went and bought an old 90's cavalier from him and he spotted it and asked about it, after hearing about it I called the owner of the shop up and he was asking 2,500 for it.

After making the three hour drive there and back, and a few sleepless nights I called the shop and told him that if he brought it down I'd have the check waiting for him. And that's how the story of my skyline begins

At the time I didn't have any where to store the car so I asked my aunt and uncle if I could use the garage and they were more the happy to let me work on the car during the winter.
The first thing I did when I started working on the car was remove the hood, fenders, and I borrowed a slide hammer from my collage to pull the rad support out.

Once I pulled the rad support out I removed the trashed old rad and HKS intercooler, and cut the bumper beam off.

I popped the trunk and wasn't expecting to see what i saw haha

Once the weather started to get a little better I ordered a front cut with no engine from Jdm online. and couldnt wait to put the hood on it and lay the fenders on to see what it looked like

Just before the big move to my house

The guy who came to bring the car back to my place was flying down Waverley road(twisty residential street) doing about 10-20 over the speed limit and openly told me that he was going to be there before me... he almost took out three green bins. The guy just plain scared me haha

Once the car had come home I started working on removing the rad support(like an idiot)
The first rule when buying a smashed car always always leave it in one piece.

My little work tent

When I finaly got the rad support off I had already drilled out the spot welds on the front cuts rad support and needed to take off the GTR rad holder things....

After all that I slid the new rad support on and clamped it down. During this time I just stated my work term and the work slowed down and I asked the owner of the shop if it would be okay if I brought my car in to work on it, more importantly pull the frame.

When I lined up the new rad support it was not centred because there were some wrinkles in the right front wheel well. It also didn't help me that i cut the old rad support off, its a lot easier to pull a frame with everything intact. But you only learn from your mistakes

Once at the shop we could only get it on the frame puller that was built into the ground, love bring low

But lucky for me I had gone and found the car dimensions and printed it off and we use the measuring sticks to get everything lined up and welded, also fitted the bumper beam and my gaps... but with no turbo charger piping.

When the frame work was we bled the brakes and also changed the break fluid.
I also bought an eBay front mount intercooler and put that on without cutting the bumper beam, GTR bumpers are great :P

looking like a car again hahaha
The next thing to do was get my exhaust welded back together and mount it

It was cut in two places, at each end, so by the rad in the picture and by the tip.
When I finished welding I took a look into my cat and noticed it was really clean and I'm guessing it had a cleaned one installed, and when the exhaust was all welded and mounted up we were good.
