Its been in hiding for a bit, but finally parts arrived, repairs and routine maintenance were taken care of, and back to inspection the car went. This time it passed perfectly, not a thing needed, and not an issue was made with the car.
The car came over in pretty good condition, was a grade 4. I spent about 3 days bringing the shine back into the paint, cleaning up emblems, door jams, under the hood etc.
at home waiting....for monthssss

repairs done, maintenance complete, time for alignment....

inspection time, but first some pics of the new brakes

inspection passed, no plate yet, storage insurance for now.

And it begins
The car came over in pretty good condition, was a grade 4. I spent about 3 days bringing the shine back into the paint, cleaning up emblems, door jams, under the hood etc.
at home waiting....for monthssss

repairs done, maintenance complete, time for alignment....

inspection time, but first some pics of the new brakes

inspection passed, no plate yet, storage insurance for now.

And it begins
