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Cleaning/Repairing the Coils

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  • Cleaning/Repairing the Coils

    Well, following my cleaning MAF post, here are the coils. This is a great way to both clean, and repair any cracks on your coils. You need to do this! The performance difference in my car was night and day, and I thought it ran strong before. I'd like to thank Joe (SECUR1TY) from for pretty much all of this.

    1. First take apart your coils (rubber boot and spring off)

    2. Get a dremil drill set out and lightly sand back a very thin layer on the inside of where the little spring sits inside the coil, marked on the picture.
    (around a teaspoon of build-up came off the inside of my coils). This was the gunk that was stopping the current getting to the spring, to transfer to the spark plug

    3. Take your springs and bomb them down with electrical contact cleaner. Wipe them off, and then sand the carbon tip with a lite sand paper to get any build up off and to help clean the contact surface. Once the springs are all cleaned up, stretch them out a little before you put them back in.

    4. Tape your coils up just for a little assurance. i used electric insulating tape up the top, on the front of the coil and down the stem

    5. Spray some WD40 into the coil pack to stop it from coroding.


    After I put it all back together and fired it up the revs seemed to be sitting a little higher (from around 700 previously to around 850-900 now). Took her for a spin and almost splattered in my pants from excitement. It redlined so bloody quick without hesitation or losing power (as it did previously).

    Theoretically you can gap your spark plugs back to 1.1 to allow for a better spark because now there is nothing stopping the flow of electricity down to your spark plugs.

    Another fix would be to use araldyte around the cracked part instead of the tape. If you do, make sure you do it in a this layering system (about 3-4 layers), but I recommend doing the dremil.

    1991 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX
    1990 Skyline GTS-R

  • #2
    awsome thanks. im going to pull mine out right now and do them in the shop lol(slow day)

    Originally posted by funkymonkey
    You guys need to set up an RSPCS (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Skylines) and take a baseball bat to the heads of owners that bring disrespect to the heritage by being metrosexual knob jockeys behind the steering wheel.


    • #3
      Cool. Post up your results. Be careful with the spring though. They can be a little fragile. Also, something I forgot to put in the original post (I will add in a second) is bomb the spring with electric contact cleaner, wipe them down with a clean cloth, lightly sand the tip, and then stretch them out a little before you put them back together. That will enssure a clean and solid contact with the plug.

      1991 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX
      1990 Skyline GTS-R


      • #4
        sweet i'll do that when I take her out!!
        2.2L RB20 GTS-T
        ECU modification enabled - PM me for details


        • #5
          I put a bit of dielectric grease on the end of the plug before installing the coils to provide consistent contact and prevent corrosion.
          The Beaumont Connection


          • #6
            Well I did my second set today. The coils weren't as coroded as the first set I did, but still a hugely noticable difference. Good way to kill a couple of hours either way. One other thing I noticed, is check the gap on the sides of the coil (between the main body of the coil and the wrap around wires). In my case, I have a few small leaks in the vaslve cover gaskets, and the oil had leaked through, hit the coils, and then baked there because of the heat. On the set I did today, the oil had cooked solid and was starting to bake into the sides of the coils. I'm guessing that would be a great place for it to short out. Either way, I just took a razor blade and scrapped it away. Car runs great!!

            1991 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX
            1990 Skyline GTS-R


            • #7
              yup gotta be really careful with the springs.. esp if they're corroded

              i snapped one... now im stuck


              • #8
                as did i but i twisted it till it hooked and reassmbled and its fine for now now : ) going to need new coils soon

                1989 skyline gts-t .. the slut ..


                • #9
                  did mine....even though they looked like they were only like 2 days old. so so clean. still worth it though. had to check my plugs. had some carbon on them but i hope its not too bad. have had some detonation lately....

                  Originally posted by funkymonkey
                  You guys need to set up an RSPCS (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Skylines) and take a baseball bat to the heads of owners that bring disrespect to the heritage by being metrosexual knob jockeys behind the steering wheel.


                  • #10
                    I now know that my number 6 coil was failing ... I tried to check the impedence on the unit (all other 5 tested 6.9ohm) But coil number six .. HAD NO IMPEDENCE, WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN!? And WHO has a coil for sale!?
                    1990 Skyline GTR Nismo Spec.


                    • #11
                      Anyway we can get the pics back?


                      • #12
                        hmm.. working on it. I borrowed the pics from another skyline forum I'm part of. I'll contact the owner and see what I can do.

                        1991 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX
                        1990 Skyline GTS-R


                        • #13
                          I can host em on my super site if need be hahaha

                          ( ops: craptastic site that is)
                          2.2L RB20 GTS-T
                          ECU modification enabled - PM me for details


                          • #14
                            yea if someone could get those pictures back that would be E-mazing!


                            • #15
                              This thread is nothing without pictures. ops:

