You're right, why should we risk being governed by a globetrotting scholar when we can have a proven liar put us deeper in debt?
How about a reason to give Harper more power when he's already proven he is absolutely incapable of handling the checked power he's already been handed? My reasons to oppose Harper as PM aren't based on other leaders or what they "might" do. I am basing my argument on the things Harper has already done, on record. Judging the last 5 years of his rule to decide if he's worth rewarding a majority to.. and the answer is a resounding No!
How about a reason to give Harper more power when he's already proven he is absolutely incapable of handling the checked power he's already been handed? My reasons to oppose Harper as PM aren't based on other leaders or what they "might" do. I am basing my argument on the things Harper has already done, on record. Judging the last 5 years of his rule to decide if he's worth rewarding a majority to.. and the answer is a resounding No!