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  • #46
    Great success!

    engine is alive and healthy as of now, I ended up using the same tensioner because im to impatient to wait a week and it looked new anyway. bolted it all back together and primed oil system before starting this time. just disconnected oil feed to turbo and with spark plugs out cranked until oil was coming out took about 2 minutes total cranking time.

    main lesson to be learned - with any oil system part change like oil cooler, pump, or oil filter relocation.. prime oil system first to make sure its flowing and fix if not.

    left this off my project thread because im tired of just the "this is what part i changed again today" posts. want to start actually driving this thing. oil cooler is gonna be last mod for a while and hopefully the next posts on the build thread will be driving and maybe a road trip south of the border to do some track time.
    - Adam



    • #47
      Glad to hear all is well!
      “Hey, come on, its a car right? No. It’s a symbol of your history, its a thread of continuity from which you came to where you are. It’s important that you don’t want to forget who you are.” -Dr.Phil in "Love the Beast"


      • #48
        yes glad to see this wasnt too big of a setback!
        so what damage actually happened to the engine? im assuming your pulled the motor and stripped it down?
        Built R32 GTR, BW S362, 682awhp @ 28psi


        • #49
          stripped it down as far as checking the main bearings. wanted to try everything before complete tear down. i made this video with all the clips and stuff i took along the way. trying to get into movie editing and this was a nice little project. its only the second movie ive done so far.
          - Adam



          • #50
            Good to hear.

            The most epic signature ever "epic".


            • #51


              • #52
                Originally posted by Marus92 View Post
                *whistle* now how the hell did that happen? (and I suddenly got paranoid about my new belt)
                don't worry, as long as you have oil in your engine nothing should seize causing belt to jump lol
                - Adam



                • #53
                  quick question. no need for a new thread. at what oil temp is the greddy thermostat supposed to open? let the car idle for about 20 minutes oil temp was up to 160 degrees and there was no oil going through the core. filter was hot to the touch and cooler feels cold still. just a matter of oil not being warm enough?

                  also when i shut down sounds like there's a splashing coming from the oil pan, all the oil from filter block draining i suppose.. is this normal? makes me think it will give a false reading when checking oil level
                  - Adam


