Originally posted by Bern
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you drive your GTR daily?
And yes Gas is killer. I'm only getting about 430-450km's per 65 Litres and that's half highway, half city. And on the highway, i'm rarely in boost (only on the onramp).
Anyway, I don't drive down. Parking is ridiculous down here so I don't even bother. It's just GO or TTC.SOLD:1990 Skyline GTR Nismo #283
Yup, I drive it daily and anytime I can. I didn't get it to leave it in the garage. I have to check sometime how many k's I get per tank. I have to fill up every 3 days max on about a 65L fill. I can't imagine that it is any where close to what you get on a tank. My Thunderbird SC didn't even get that on a tank."If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate." <Zapp Brannigan>
Today I talked to a black or was it dark dark grey GTR owner. I have a silver chouki s13. Yorkdale mall.
Man, I wish my car was fast... it can handle well but... its just so powerless in acceleration lol...Made me wish I had a gtr... plus I like how a gtr looks... so awesome.
Saw a Black Skyline almost lose control turning onto Lakeshore road in Burlington (going towards Oakville), I tried to catch up and get a better look but the car infront of me was going slow as hell, and it was really really, really busy that day for traffic so I didn't wanna pull a fast one.Oakville Skyline owner, of 1989 GTS-T 4 Door.
Spotted last night around 9:30pm, on bantree / sheffield road, what looked to be a light blue skyline, didn't have time to see if it was a GTS-T or a GTR, but it peeled out turning right onto Innes, in 1rst and second, sliding all over the place and backfiring so strongly that I felt it in my car.
I was amazed!
Amazing gunmetal gtr at apple blossom festival in kentville NS- in the military just got back from overseas? anyone on here, ******* amazing looking car with slick rims will post picks later had Euro style skyline taillights will post pictures.
I'm a little late but the internet was down for a while.
Gunmetal GTR, pretty well stock with GTRCanada.com sticker up passenger side windshield sitting at Cy's in Aylmer ON. Wednesday evening May 23rd. New owner? But I also haven't seen it since. Nice car none the less.