Speaking of blown engines. If any knows someone who can't fix their blown engine and the GTR is black, any year in good condition, send them my way. I may be interested.
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I'm Young And Want A Skyline (GTR)
This is a sticky topic.
I hate stereo types. I'm 15, and every time I go to a car show or see a nice car in a parking lot. I get talked down to and get the odd stare. Everyone just assumes I'm just some fatf fanboy like the rest of my generation. If you actually get to talking to me I'm the complete opposite.
-I don't freak-out if I see a nitrous injection system in a car.
-I don't like flashy chrome rims and i despise the show "Pimp My Ride".
-I'd rather drive a slow car fast then a fast car slow.
-driving fast on public streets does not make you look cool. It makes you look like an idiot.
-Lamborghini's (NOT LAMBO'S!!!!) aren't the coolest most amazing cars ever built.
-I have plenty of experience taking apart lawnmower engines, pocket bike motors, weed-wackers, dirt bikes (2, and 4 stroke) and a Honda 1.6. As well as building a go-kart and plenty of r/c car/truck tuning.
As for driving. I have much experience In a 99 corolla on a 5km gravel road that my parents let me drive on (private property owned by my aunt so I'm only risking my own health and safety.) I know I'm still learning and I'm aware I don't know everything. I am open to learning more.
at least this stereotype fades with age.
unlike the other car-related stereotype I have to deal with..... being chinese :roll:
Well good on you for learning about this stuff so early in life. The stereotypes are there for a reason. I don't know how many younger guys tell me "ohh If I had skyline I wouldn't drive it fast... I wouldn't drift etc...I see them two weeks later with a smashed up rear end or broken tie rods...Usually, thank god, it's not a skyline, but sometimes it is...They crashed some ugly civic. Once you sit behind the drivers seat, things change.
I'm not trying to bash you or anything, you seem like a nice kid. But life experience goes a long way. Honestly even the 17 year olds with their license aren't as mature as you man. It's just that's how people are on the streets. Today I was cruising with my friends 400whp eclipse, not speeding or screwing around. Just driving for fun and doing some compression breaking to help our rings seal...And this kid in a bashed up civic with apod gauges (looked like the rear quarterpannel e-brake drifted into a barrier) came up beside us at a light and started getting all excited to see a GTr and a nice eclipse. Then he started following us around driving fast between our cars and like swerving around... Gave us a bad rep so we pulled over and waited for him to leave. It's just not cool how some of these fan boys act. To make a long point short.... We don't hate all you young skyline owners...It's just there is a large majority that have totally ruined their generations maturity. There age is almost entirely the reason why they are so reckless and irrational.
Originally posted by Wolfattak View PostI hate stereo types. I'm 15, and every time I go to a car show or see a nice car in a parking lot. I get talked down to and get the odd stare. Everyone just assumes I'm just some fatf fanboy like the rest of my generation. If you actually get to talking to me I'm the complete opposite.
-I don't freak-out if I see a nitrous injection system in a car.
-I don't like flashy chrome rims and i despise the show "Pimp My Ride".
-I'd rather drive a slow car fast then a fast car slow.
-driving fast on public streets does not make you look cool. It makes you look like an idiot.
-Lamborghini's (NOT LAMBO'S!!!!) aren't the coolest most amazing cars ever built.
-I have plenty of experience taking apart lawnmower engines, pocket bike motors, weed-wackers, dirt bikes (2, and 4 stroke) and a Honda 1.6. As well as building a go-kart and plenty of r/c car/truck tuning.
As for driving. I have much experience In a 99 corolla on a 5km gravel road that my parents let me drive on (private property owned by my aunt so I'm only risking my own health and safety.) I know I'm still learning and I'm aware I don't know everything. I am open to learning more.
at least this stereotype fades with age.
unlike the other car-related stereotype I have to deal with..... being chinese :roll:
I'm in the same boat as Wolfattak. I'm on my L, and have been extensively reading about Skylines here, and on other JDM's in general. It irritates me to see the punks with licences in school peeling out of the lot in Civics, beat-up 1980's Mercedes and one guy with a Kia SUV on 22's. If I hadn't come across GTRC, I'd probably end up being the stereotype Asian kid with the fast 4-banger. Thankfully, that's changing to straight auto enthusiast on a budget, putting the "3 adjectives" aside. I HAVE been looking into the Skyline, specifically a non-turbo one (Post-getting Skyline I'll be broke as hell-save on gas), but I've also been giving the JDM Legacy RS a glance.
There are WAY too many FNF kids jumping into beaten to hell cars, and I want to break that mold badly. I want to be one of the young guys who actually appreciates the car for the RIGHT reasons.
"Cheap. Reliable. Fast. Pick Two" Cheap and Reliable, I don't want to kill myself with speed.Originally posted by ShadaoAll i could do was shake my head and say" Like a fine wine that has aged over the years and was taken care of will be a much nicer drink than one that was bottled yesterday."
Again he said, "still though its a 20yr old car"
My Ride: 1986 Toyota Cressida
Its all a matter of opinion and the individual at hand. I'm 18, own a gts-t, buying a GTR, Never got in an accident, no tickets, once pulled over for too many passengers. I'm not saying that I am one of these perfect mature drivers like above, because im not. I drive over the limit on occasion (70km in a 50km), but most individuals can be honest and admit to that. Going 50km in a 50km ALL THE TIME is not realistic (like they say 60km is the new 50km), but if you can honestly say that, good for you. And for the record, knowing your way around an engine and driving safely on a gravel road does not prove jack about yourself. I do however consider myself one of the more mature young drivers. I can say that I've never raced someone, smoked the tires or done donuts, BUT that doesn't make me perfect, nor an exception to the statistics.
I respect why older individuals expect me to be a terrible driver and think that a skyline is too much car for me, because for the most part, they are right. I have enough self control to drive otherwise, but that is just ME. If I saw another young driver in a skyline, I would too be weary of them. If you want to label every young driver as non-deserving of a skyline and a danger to the road, I respect that. All I can do is worry about my driving and safety instead of how others view me (same applies to street racing), but I know I cannot prove myself to others. Its like the old saying goes, "Life's a B*itch". If your a young driver and are labelled as a menace to the roads, tough titty, man up and don't let it bother you, because for the most part, even if your a flaw in that thought, its still true. After all, I can guarantee you in 20 years your going to be ranting about how stupid those young drivers are.“Hey, come on, its a car right? No. It’s a symbol of your history, its a thread of continuity from which you came to where you are. It’s important that you don’t want to forget who you are.” -Dr.Phil in "Love the Beast"
Originally posted by caliber676 View Postdriving safely on a gravel road does not prove jack about yourself.
Side Note: the corolla is mine. It is 100% stock. 5 speed. I bought it from my aunt for $800 and it sits on her property, uninsured. It will be on the road once i get my licence... for dd.
side note x2: I will never drive like that on the streets, however I'm not saying I'll be a perfect driver...
side note x3: I don't mean to sound cocky with this post.
Originally posted by caliber676 View PostI respect why older individuals expect me to be a terrible driver and think that a skyline is too much car for me, because for the most part, they are right. I have enough self control to drive otherwise, but that is just ME. If I saw another young driver in a skyline, I would too be weary of them. If you want to label every young driver as non-deserving of a skyline and a danger to the road, I respect that. All I can do is worry about my driving and safety instead of how others view me (same applies to street racing), but I know I cannot prove myself to others. Its like the old saying goes, "Life's a B*itch". If your a young driver and are labelled as a menace to the roads, tough titty, man up and don't let it bother you, because for the most part, even if your a flaw in that thought, its still true. After all, I can guarantee you in 20 years your going to be ranting about how stupid those young drivers are.
Hey It's the only way I can 'legally' drive in BC, Since it's private property. And when did i say i do it safely. I drive it hard. Hitting nearly 100km (flat-out) on the strait bits and getting sideways in the corners. I have taught myself how to e-brake turn on this one hairpin. I have also crashed it once (only cosmetic damage... You learn A LOT more by making a mistake and paying the price, then getting lucky 1 000 000 times). I've driven there since i was about 12 or 13 (can't quite remember)“Hey, come on, its a car right? No. It’s a symbol of your history, its a thread of continuity from which you came to where you are. It’s important that you don’t want to forget who you are.” -Dr.Phil in "Love the Beast"
Originally posted by caliber676 View PostI wasn't trying to personally insult you, I just was proving a point by saying that a lot of individuals trying to equate engine knowledge and driving, which just isn't true. From saying that you drive hard and drift, its honest, but those practices may carry onto your on-street driving, just like bad habits. We can only hope for the best, for your safety and others, as well as showing your maturity. But your said something valid in there, that i wanted to mention, It really doesnt matter what car your driving, if your an idiot behind the wheel.
Second of all, what do you mean, drive like an idiot. As I said, this is all done on private property. I will never drive like that on the public streets. I can drive smooth and comfortably. But since it's private property, I don't have to, so why not have a bit more fun? compare it to a track. a place where you can find the limits of the car and driver. My point was I have a good understanding of my abilities (not saying I'm good, not saying I'm bad. I just know my limits). I know when and where is the right place and the wrong place to push them. I do have self control.
I also understand that some things only come with experience. Such as knowing right of way and such. But as I said, I'm still learning.
This thread is getting irritating.
Having been THAT young my self once too. I can tell you 100% your driving style will change within 1 month of having your N and driving by yourself. It's a bit different when no one is sitting beside you telling you what not to do. Ever hear the saying power corrupts? Prove me wrong.
To the guy who is 18 who is going on about not being in an accident, well good for you. You've driven for 1 year by yourself without hitting anything. That makes you better than most new drivers. However, does that mean you won't ever get into an accident? Hell no. You likely will. Statistics prove trends, they aren't just stereotypes conjured up in the ICBC break room. I very much hope you never do get into an accident, but...
Granted there are some young people on here that are good drivers, and I've met a few of them . I just think it's plane annoying when they start boasting about how good a driver they are, and have to prove that they aren't a stereotype whenever the young driver card gets played.
In my opinion, and not intending to start a flame war. If you were really a rock solid driver and confident you wouldn't be posting about how this is an unfair bias. There are 25 year olds that drive like little kids, and there are 18 year old that drive like little kids, only difference to me is, the 25 year old usually has a nicer car.
Not saying this is the case with the young gentleman who posted before.
But just because someone has not been in an accident, doesn't mean they are a good driver. I see this far too many times. Someone who drives like a complete idiot thinks they are an amazing driver because they haven't been an accident. All that means is that they have either been very lucky, or that the people around them have been skilled enough to avoid them while they're driving like an idiot.
Also, if you only drive 50km a month, the whole "I'm a good driver because I haven't got in an accident" defense doesn't really apply.Race. Win. Live.
Originally posted by tokes View PostI've lost count of how many GTR's owned by kids in St. Albert or Edmonton are sitting there with blown motors because they can't afford to fix them. Guy who lives across the street from my girlfriend bought a GTR in 2005 when they were still going for ridiculous money, paid 23K for it, and it's been sitting since July 2006 because he spun a bearing and can't afford to do **** to it.
RB26's blow up a lot more frequently than most cars engines. They are also a lot more expensive to fix, and have a lot more issues than most other engines. No, they aren't an exotic car, but they are a high maintenance car.
I had my car pretty much stock (catback, apex'i intake pods, still had the boost restrictor in) and it spun a few bearings. How many people with a Honda Civic at 94,000 KM's have just spun a rod bearing randomly?
I think its hilarious how people think these cars were handed down from freaking zeus himself and only ******* superman can drive one. Honestly, tons of lighter cars with less seats are WAY faster around a track than a gtr.
And FYI, machinework for a rebuild is around 1800 dollars including balancing top to bottom. Not that expensive brosef.
I agree with CanadianGTR, if you want a higher-performance import vehicle you have to be smart about it and you need to be mature. I'm 17, bought my 240SX before I could even drive (back when I was 15) and swapped in an RB20DET and did a whole bunch of work to it. I don't roll around on the streets racing anyone (as a matter of fact, I've turned down everyone who has tried to race me). I don't act like I'm the king of the road or try to impress people, nor do I drive around like an idiot, speed excessively etc. I acknowledge that having the car I have is a privilege not a right and having said that, I respect the rules of the road. Given, not every 17-year-old has the rational that I do, but there are a couple of us out there, no worries. Lastly, I hate having that image (that others have so freely forged) pinned on me...the image that because I drive a modified import, automatically makes me a street racer or a trouble maker. I hate that image and would never contribute to such a thing that would ruin the essence of having cars like we do for not only myself, but for my fellow enthusiasts. Like people have previously stated...it all comes to the level of rational and self-esteem of the owner of the vehicle.
and secondly....LOL at 89Baysideblue's last comment.1992 NISSAN 240SX - RB20DET POWER
1990 NISSAN 300ZX - 2+2
Originally posted by JBNR32 View PostNo they aren't. Not at all. Theyre just old man. Think about it, most of these cars have made it 20 years without major repairs... 20 hard years of abuse and god knows what else over in japan. Theres a difference between a worn out car and a high maintenance car.
Originally posted by JBNR32 View PostI think its hilarious how people think these cars were handed down from freaking zeus himself and only ******* superman can drive one. Honestly, tons of lighter cars with less seats are WAY faster around a track than a gtr.
And FYI, machinework for a rebuild is around 1800 dollars including balancing top to bottom. Not that expensive brosef.
And what kind of a rebuild can you pull off for 1300 bucks? You're going to stuff the motor back together with the stock rings/pistons, stock oil pump, stock water pump, stock rod bolts, stock head studs, all stock gaskets, etc?
I did what I would consider the bare minimum for a rebuild. New pistons, con rod bolts, head studs, gasket kit, oil pump collar, N1 oil pump, N1 water pump, new valve guides, ACL bearings, new timing belt + tensioner/idler pullies. Even just that was around 2300-2500 for parts and machining was 1300.
If you're just going to throw the motor back together with all the stock stuff, don't even bother to bore it out and put new rings in it or replace the oil pump or fix the oil pump problem, you're asking for more problems to happen. I don't know how you could possibly think you're going to be able to rebuild an RB26 for 1800 bucks. And don't even get started on how much it'll cost if the kid can't pull the motor himself.1990 Skyline GT-R - Jet Silver Metallic
It'll run someday
Lets stir up some more controversy. How old do you have to be to not be labeled "young"? Like when do you older folk cap it off and say they are good enough to be driving one of these things? just thought it would be a good discussion.“Hey, come on, its a car right? No. It’s a symbol of your history, its a thread of continuity from which you came to where you are. It’s important that you don’t want to forget who you are.” -Dr.Phil in "Love the Beast"