Originally posted by R32_TDOT
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I'm Young And Want A Skyline (GTR)
This is a sticky topic.
there are plenty of jobs out there that dont require a drivers license....Originally posted by SnowThey should build an island in the shape of a race track, and then build the track under it. And air condition that b!tch.Originally posted by DreadedFistIf it's not metal its POOP.
You live in an area where there is public transport, If i couldn't get my license until I'm 21, I would be limited to working in my own town. In other words I could forget about having a career until I turned 21. It just doesnt make sense man. In this country you are innocent until proven guilty (unless you are "accused" of street racing). Its unfair to deny us our driving privelege in an attempt stop us doing some thing we may or may not do.
Originally posted by R32_TDOT View Postor just raise minimum age to 21 to get your drivers license..
you're diggin' yourself a hole hereVictory is on the horizon..
Originally posted by R32_TDOT View Postor just raise minimum age to 21 to get your drivers license..
That's one of the worst things I've ever heard. I used to live in a town called Spruce Grove. If you want to go to University and remain living in Spruce grove your options are to either drive 30 minutes into St. Albert and catch a bus there, or drive 45 minutes to the U of A. Do you really think it's fair to make all the parents of college aged kids have to drive their children to school because some people are afraid that they'd be irresponsible with fast cars? Give me a break.1990 Skyline GT-R - Jet Silver Metallic
It'll run someday
Originally posted by tokes View PostSo then instead of having a bunch of inexperienced 16 year old drivers, we'd have a bunch of inexperienced 21 year old drivers
Jon.Why don't you come over to MySpace and Twitter my Yahoo untill I Google all over your Facebook.
1990 GTR Drag Special T88H34D 11.24 @ 127.55mph at only 1.2bar...... officially. SOLD
Originally posted by Dragon Humper View PostWorks quite well in Germany. Drinking age is 17 (I think) and driving age is 21. Autobahn is safer than the #1 (the 401 is like Damnation Alley) and everyone deals with it. Not everyone in Germany lives near public transport, they seem to manage. A 21 year old is not going to do half of the stupid crap that a 16 year old would do. Besides, you should be in Post Secondary education for at least 3 to 4 years to make yourself a better person.
BUT i still have to go with Ryan on this one.Victory is on the horizon..
Originally posted by Dragon Humper View PostWorks quite well in Germany. Drinking age is 17 (I think) and driving age is 21. Autobahn is safer than the #1 (the 401 is like Damnation Alley) and everyone deals with it. Not everyone in Germany lives near public transport, they seem to manage. A 21 year old is not going to do half of the stupid crap that a 16 year old would do. Besides, you should be in Post Secondary education for at least 3 to 4 years to make yourself a better person.
New flash though, not everyone is fit for post secondary. What about people who want to start a business? Or tradesworkers? You honestly expect to get a job as a welder or pipefitter anywhere without the ability to drive? Riiiiight.
Oh, and the legal driving age in Germany is 17.1990 Skyline GT-R - Jet Silver Metallic
It'll run someday
This is true. I'm all for a better driver training program, I think that is a viable solution, but raising the age to drive isn't. I'm sure a lot of you saw that Top Gear that illustrated what Finland has for their drivers ed program. I know in the UK you need a difference license for driving an automatic and a standard as well..
Honestly, who ever drives like they learned in drivers training? Doing 5 under the limit and driving like how they "teach" you to will, in my opinion, cause more accidents than just being a normal driver who is attentive and drives defensively.1990 Skyline GT-R - Jet Silver Metallic
It'll run someday
i think it really depends on the maturity level.
a later age dosent mean better driver, more education dosent make a better driver. usually the first time any male gets his license 90% of the time you drive like a dik no matter what age, ive had middle aged men screw around beside me at lights ect. were are the cops lol? but i think i have had more younger people act like idiots around me.
i also think when you have to pay insurance, gas, car, maintnece you will drastically change your driving habbits unless you have money pouring out your rear.
ive had 4 very cheap cars before i got my R32. imo getting your license and jumping to a GTR or supra RX7 w/e is a bad mistake.
ive had a friend drive his FD into a pole while racing a mustang down a residential. he tells me his dad is buying him a mk4 supra now, but almost 8 months later he is driving a rusted out honda (good)
Originally posted by love_boost View Post
ive had 4 very cheap cars before i got my R32. imo getting your license and jumping to a GTR or supra RX7 w/e is a bad mistake.) and 4 cyl. I have more acceleration on my skateboard. i cant knock it though, after years of begging, working for my parents, and just being plain annoying, my dad bought it for me despite EVERY thought in my families heads. i NEVER wouldve expected him to, but it was a steal from his friend's dealer, so im happy. I have 4 MOTORIZED wheels
R32 soon.Victory is on the horizon..
I had 5 vehicles before the skylines and I gotta say the 5L rustang was trickier to drive year round lol. It doesn't matter what you drive unless your parents help you in some way to get it. Whether it's living in your mom's basement, parent's buying the car or paying your bills. I say this because if they help you get a sports car, you're obviously not mature enough since you couldn't get it on your own since you'd rather a sports car than your own place to live or your priorities are messed up. Sports cars should come after responsibilities. My
I had 1 car and a truck when I lived at home. Parent's didn't pay for any of them but I still lived there. I wasn't responsible enough back then so that's why I had a POS lumina Z34 and a old POS 79 F250 lol.Black 1991 GTR. Serious garage stand mantle/parts car.
Black 1990 Pulsar GTiR. Sold
Silver 1989 GTR. Sold
Black 2010 Subaru WRX. Weekend warrior. Sold.
Black 2013 F-150 FX4 ecoboost. Daily driver.
White 2012 Ford Explorer Limited. Family wagon.
Sorry for my offensive comments, I r socially retard.
start by having A ROLLING GTR then we talk u ******* mofo funzy little *****
Originally posted by NismoS-tune View PostIt doesn't matter what you drive unless your parents help you in some way to get it. Whether it's living in your mom's basement, parent's buying the car or paying your bills. I say this because if they help you get a sports car, you're obviously not mature enough since you couldn't get it on your own since you'd rather a sports car than your own place to live or your priorities are messed up. Sports cars should come after responsibilities. My
Victory is on the horizon..
Really, so if parents buy you a sports and you live with them?? You are no mature and have messed up priority???? Everyone were born differently, some are richer than the other and I believe maturity level has nothing to do with wealthiness. To a wealthy man, buying their son a sport car is just like you buying your son a PS3 or a new guitar. I agree that giving a sport car to a young kid is not a good idea because they don't have the experience to handle the car. However, I don't agree if you parents buy you a sport car, you have your priority messed up. To me, I just sense jealousy...
I dont understand why everyone like to bash the kids who got a car from his parents. Good for you if you make your own money and buy your own car, but why hate on the guys who was born wealthier??? So one day you work hard and get rich..you are going to tell your kid to take the bus?? Don't you work harder just so your family will have a better life??? I don't see a problem getting my kid a car if the kids are well behave and mature.Biggest selection of Skyline CarbonFiber & FRP Aero in Canada. PM me.