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CobrAA's Eastern detailing pic

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  • Natty Red limited edition : Polissage 1-step + lumières

    Au final, la cire ne rend pas la peinture plus foncé, comme d’autres cires le font, elle ne fait que rendre plus d’éclat à la peinture et de réflexion. Cette cire est aussi sentimentale pour moi car c’est le 1er pot de cire que je me suis acheté!

    Sur l’altima, j’y ai été avec Liquid Souveran, elle est supposé ressembler énormément à la Natty red. À première vue, tout ce que je peux dire c’est qu’elle est légèrement plus lisse au touché.

    Imaginez, la lumière de droite à été changé du à un accrochage, j’ai du faire un petit sablage à l’eau pour matcher les 2 lumières. La différence était folle.

    Crips lens!

    Merci et à la prochaine!
    Need detailing done to your car? I'm open to travel to detail your car :

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    • t took quite a while to finally get it done but I think the owner is very satisfied with the end result. Good luck with the new baby! With that said, let’s go straight to the pictures.

      Car is a 2009 and parked inside, see by yourself how much stuff I picked from the clay bar:

      And here’s a 50/50. Difference is major! I told the owner that the car wasn’t more damaged than it should for its age. I knew straight away it was poorly washed and I wasn’t wrong, he told me his car sees the car wash frequently.

      So the correction looks good. Let inspect the paint more carefully!

      See ? This is really not normal for a 2 year old car .

      So I then proceed to do my 3-step polish.

      See the end result?

      Looks a lot better.

      And now just so anyone accuse me of not taping molding..

      Lets look more closely at the paint with different lighting:

      Swirls are gone but the Deep scratches remains because of the poor washing technique used by the car wash. Very sad!

      By using different lights, it gives me a better idea of the correction I just did.

      Winter is approaching so let’s use a long lasting wax:

      And now for the after-shot inside..

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      • Exhaust tip polished:

        And then the owner gave me the permission to take the car outside. Pictures look tons better!!! I love those black paint form Honda it look like real mirror! ( compared to bmw who look wetter)

        Perfect reflection. What more can I say !?

        Need detailing done to your car? I'm open to travel to detail your car :

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        • Kinda wet-looking thanks to the shape of the panel!

          Tires were dressed, wheel well detailed.

          Scratches show less with the sun. good news!

          I hope you enjoyed!

          See you soon!
          Need detailing done to your car? I'm open to travel to detail your car :

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          • - Rinse
            - -Foam gun
            - Rinse
            - Wash with 2 bucket and grit guard
            - Rinse
            - Clay bar with lube
            - Rinse
            - Dry with quality towel
            - Apply a long lasting hybrid wax/sealant
            - Aquapel
            - Interior is vaccum and traited with a leather conditionner

            Voici comment l’auto est arrive chez moi:

            Disons que c’était du haha!

            On commence par nettoyer les roues :

            Clay bar was needed but I saw worst!

            Engine bay was an extra requested by the owner:

            And now once it’s clean with a protector on top of it:

            Need detailing done to your car? I'm open to travel to detail your car :


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            • And now, let’s go see how the interior turned out:

              C’est très important de bien traiter son cuir pour éviter qu’il craque en hiver à cause du froid et des rayon UV

              Les portes sont fait de cuir aussi, donc je les ai traité comme les sièges.

              Maintenant, retournons à l’extérieur :

              Et bien voilà, ce traitement m’a prit environ 3 heures 30 je crois!

              See ya l’an prochain pour le grand polish!
              Need detailing done to your car? I'm open to travel to detail your car :


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              • Pour ça, je vais devoir prendre des mesures de peinture pour m’assurer pouvoir faire un traitement plus poussé.

                C’est correct, j’ai du jeux, mais après avoir essayer, j’ai vite réalisée que c’était trop profond, vaux mieux pas en oter trop pour le fun.

                Wax used :

                2x layer of RED concours wax. This wax is stellar!

                See the after-pic by yourself!


                Vidéo du talon, bon wet-look sur le hood!

                Need detailing done to your car? I'm open to travel to detail your car :


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                • To sum up my french introduction, the owner wasnt impress with the finish on his brna dnew 2011 bmw, so he went to 2 different bodyshop/detail shop *cough * cough* lol, the finish was simply horrible, he then found me and the rest of the story is already written in the sky ; the result is up to his expectation

                  I then applied my special nano-coating who reduce swirls and scratches by 50% and last up to 24 months. Impressive result!



                  As always, I’m foaming the car with my special solution to deeply cleans the car but also to reduce the chance of scratching the paint:

                  I then proceed to do a 3-step polish, why? Well.. after a 2-step process, I inspected my job with different tlight and I still found hologram ici et là. So I had to do another exta step with a ultra-soft pad and a light polish to really correct them.

                  I then need to prep the paint for the nano-coating:

                  Cleaning again the paint:

                  Applying a cleaner that open up the pores of the paint to deeply clean it. Since paint is black , it’s very hard to see the stuff but you can see it on the floor haha.

                  Une vraie scène de meurtre

                  No beading at all.. just a clean paint.

                  Inspecting my work one final time before applying the coating.

                  Special sun gun light:

                  My led light:

                  Need detailing done to your car? I'm open to travel to detail your car :


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                  • Tout est parfait!! Passons au coating:

                    Ooohh yeah :P!

                    C’est quand même bien mouillé, j’accorde ça au poli de finition, donne un super fini!

                    Remember, prep is 90, if not 95% of the finish, a wax is just the little final touch. My point is.. YES, you can make sealant looking wet.

                    Great optical clarity.

                    Le metallic va sortir plus avec un scellant :


                    Les roues ont recu un scellant aussi.
                    Need detailing done to your car? I'm open to travel to detail your car :


                    Please follow my works and latest news/promotion at : || ||


                    • Reflection or real?

                      If you can read inside the lens, I think it means that my camera skill and material improved over the times haha

                      Merci à vous, je crois que ce detail fut un des plus intéressant cette été car j’avais une pression de satisfaire la personne après avoir été déçu 3x. En plus, j’appliquai mon special coating. Le résultat est magnifique.

                      En passant, sachez que la préparation est 90-95% du fini, la cire est seulement 5% du résultat!


                      Vidéo du perlage d'eau sur le nano-coating.

                      Need detailing done to your car? I'm open to travel to detail your car :


                      Please follow my works and latest news/promotion at : || ||


                      • Reflection or real?

                        If you can read inside the lens, I think it means that my camera skill and material improved over the times haha

                        Merci à vous, je crois que ce detail fut un des plus intéressant cette été car j’avais une pression de satisfaire la personne après avoir été déçu 3x. En plus, j’appliquai mon special coating. Le résultat est magnifique.

                        En passant, sachez que la préparation est 90-95% du fini, la cire est seulement 5% du résultat!


                        Vidéo du perlage d'eau sur le nano-coating.

                        Need detailing done to your car? I'm open to travel to detail your car :


                        Please follow my works and latest news/promotion at : || ||


                        • That it for today. happy new year.

                          And if you come near QC or your willing to make a road trip. PM ME I will gladly do any gtrc's car :P

                          woot 3000 post!
                          Need detailing done to your car? I'm open to travel to detail your car :


                          Please follow my works and latest news/promotion at : || ||


                          • Been very busy with the montreal autoshow! Will keep you posted!
                            Need detailing done to your car? I'm open to travel to detail your car :


                            Please follow my works and latest news/promotion at : || ||


                            • Here’s another Mazda 3. Basically the guy saw me working on another car and came across and asked if I could the same on his white Mazda 3. He said the orange rust spot is killing him. I then explained him that it’s with a clay bar you correct that kind of stuff but a polish would be a good thing to do also. See by yourself.

                              Condition of the car:

                              The white is not white it’s more like a yellowish white.

                              See the clay bar ahha!?

                              And here’s a 50/50 showing how the white on the left is a lot more white than the one on the right side. Hard to capture on a picture but the owner saw it and had to bring his friend have a look at it! It was funny. I was like a magician.

                              Darng! I forgot to take after-pic but all those scratches were gone after!

                              After pic:

                              I went with liquid souveran.. a wax that give a great warm carnauba look but to light-colored paint;

                              See that little wet-looking factor here?

                              Polished the headlight but the damage was mostly inside the lens:

                              Polished the taillight:


                              This day was one of the last warm day we had this summer

                              Need detailing done to your car? I'm open to travel to detail your car :


                              Please follow my works and latest news/promotion at : || ||


                              • Cette fois, une C63 AMG, ça vous tentes-tu !? Je vous invites à regarder cette belle machine!

                                At first, the owner contacted me to remove those 2 scratches, I was sorry when I told me there’s nothing you can do with those!

                                Here’s how I got the car:¸

                                Spraying the wheel:`

                                The various brush!

                                Then it’s time to clay the car:¸

                                Car has been polished before and see the nice job they did…

                                Applying the wheel sealant:

                                Oh oh look what I got into:

                                Man, those carbon residu doesn’t want to go away!

                                So, I took my special metal polishing tools ( you should see my metal detailing thread, Yes I do many things haha!)

                                Aquapel done:
                                Need detailing done to your car? I'm open to travel to detail your car :


                                Please follow my works and latest news/promotion at : || ||

