Well all this should show a code, that's why it's strange. I haven't had a chance to check yet, I will this weekend. I'm gonna test the g sensors first, because that's what "feels" faulty to me Nd makes sense with my
Issue. Otherwise, I'll start looking at the wheels speed sensors and maybe the altessa ecu itself.
That's unfortunate that the box won't stop signal from all the sensors, that would have made This easy. Although if it takes signal from the front/back and controls the split, I'm not sure if the car would still control any left to right torque split?
Issue. Otherwise, I'll start looking at the wheels speed sensors and maybe the altessa ecu itself.
That's unfortunate that the box won't stop signal from all the sensors, that would have made This easy. Although if it takes signal from the front/back and controls the split, I'm not sure if the car would still control any left to right torque split?